Chapter 13- If Looks Could Kill

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I walked back from the bathroom, going straight for the VIP section. I'd just finished cleaning all the make-up off. Joker sat on a purple leather chair. Beside him was a couch and opposition of him was another chair.  As I stood beside him, he stared back at me. An unrecognizable look on his face. He slightly shook his head before he opened his arms to me. He grinned creepily at me, " Now, there's my queen..." he purred as I sat on his lap. He balanced me on his knees and began kissing my neck.

I asked as I put my arms around him, slightly bringing our bodies closer, " Y'know I think I like this side of you, Jay... Makes me swoon like a school girl," I joked lightly. I felt a smile creep onto his lips against my skin. He kissed my collarbone quickly.

He pulled back immediately, giving me fake sad eyes as he spoke urgently, " I only act like this for you, beautiful... No one else." He said honestly. He cupped my cheek and leaned in, whispering in my ear, " Besides, if the world was ever to know how... sensitive you make me... Well, there's no fun it that." He pulled away, giving me a look. I only chuckled.

" Oh, so you don't really love me?" I faked a pout. His eyes never changed. Dammit, he always saw right through me. Spoil sport...

" Quit the act. You know I do. I mean, it's safer this way. For both of us. If Batman or Harvey ever found out who you really were... Just how much you meant to me... " He paused. His chest heaved up and down quickly. The thought was obviously bothering him. But he went on, " If anyone was to take you from me..." He paused, His eyes.going noticeably dark. His voice became deadly, " I think I would have to murder every man, woman, and child in Gotham just to get you back..."

His words didn't scare me. They didn't give off any red flags. Quite the opposite, actually... They made me smile warmly at him. He felt the need to warn me and protect me from everyone else... And in the 1% chance of me getting discovered and taken, I knew his words were true. He'd start a nation-wide murdering spree just to create fear to get me back... this only made me love him more. Sick, twisted, demented, and all. I loved this man.

I pulled his face to mine, kissing him deeply and definitely catching him off-guard. He tensed under me, but only to soften and pull me tightly into him. Bis hands roamed my waist quickly. I pulled away, breathless. His eyes were intensely bright as we caught our breaths. I leaned our foreheads together as I heard him say, " I love you so much, Clem..." He sounded so sure.

I said, " I love you, too, Jat." I said back honestly.

We heard a voice clear their throat behind us, snapping us back to reality. We both sighed, both irritated and agitated that our moment was ruined. Joker looked behind me, His face blank and eyes fiercely angry. " This better be pretty fucking important to interrupt us." He growled threateningly. I turned my head to see a guy with bleached hair panting softly. He was obviously scared. With good reason, off course. He nodded at Joker's words. He was one of his henchmen.

" Sorry, Boss. That guy's here for his appointment with you." He said quickly, pointing to a figure just out of eye shot.

Joker sighed, loudly and obviously irritated. I quickly suppressed a smirk. "Oh, yeah. Send him in now." Joker said, sternly. The guy turned quickly.

I went to get off, but his arms stayed in place, locking me to his lap. He pulled a gun from under his chair and put it between my legs, out of sight. I stared at him. He leaned in, looking toward where his henchmen had left. He didn't say it to me, but I knew him well by now, " When I say so, shoot him. It's good for business." He whispered just before footsteps were heard.

" Moe! Good ta see ya!" Joker put on a huge grin. I smiled at the white skinned stranger. He wore a trenchant and had tattoos on bis face. Made me put my tattooed hand to my face and tilt my head from side to side in a playful manner. He didn't get the joke so I gave up on him. Joker merely kissed my cheek to cheer me up from my miserable attempt.

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