Chapter 19- Jealousy

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I chuckled as Dex gave me my two jars of Kush. I had just taken a dab and paid for it. My head was in the clouds in this moment. I sat on Joker's lap on the floor. He chuckled with me, just as high.

" Haven't seen you in  forever, CJ." He smiled. He's was a good kid. Never pinched the bag. Hard to find a dealer like him in Gotham. I shrugged.

" I'm a busy bitch." I said. He chuckled, taking a dab himself. I opened the cleaned out pickle jar and inhaled. The sour smell hit me and I grinned. I made a motion for Joker to smell. He did so. We both cackled like idiots.

" Well, I should get going. That's for the business guys." He packed up his scale and dab rig. He fist bumped all of us as He  made his leave. I pulled out my phone and saw it was already 5 o'clock.

" You like the ring?" I asked Jay. He nodded, holding my left hand in his left hand.

" You did well. I can wait to show it off." He smiled at me. I nodded, proud. I was actually glad he liked it. But I planned the way I was gonna give it to him. Sure as full not before a fight, though...

I pushed the thought away. I began to enjoy my high. I was more  happy that I had all of my favorite people around me. Croc ate some gummi worms on the floor opposite of us. Eddie smoked from his bong on his recliner. I was just waiting on Chris to hurry the fuck up. His 20 minutes were almost up.

As if on cue, we heard a bike pull up. I pulled out $1,500 and put it in my bra. In walked Chris. He had blue eyes and blonde hair. He was a looker, but as I've said before, I like my man cuckoo for Coca Puffs. He held a box. He walked over and set it on the coffee table.

" Hey, CJ." He greeted. I got on my knees, careful not to kick Jay. I pulled out all my items, inspecting them each carefully. I neatly lined up all 5 glass objects and my carton. I looked up, pulling the money from my bra.  I handed him the cash with my left hand. He looked and saw my ring immediatly as be took the cash.

" You're in engaged?" He asked, seeming unnerved by the notion. I shrugged, putting my hand down.

" Yeah, to me." Said Joker from behind me. He pulled is handebt around me and sat up to kiss my neck. " We don't gotta problem, right?" He asked, seemingly innocent.

" Not at all. I'm glad she found someone..." He paused. Heobv loudly didn't like it. He said nothing more about it, though. " That's everything. Call me if you need a replacement. See ya." He said quickly, turning to leave. After a moment we heard him speed away.

I looked at Joker. He was too busy staring at something. I followed his gaze, turning my head. I saw the pipes. He leaned foward picking up the J bong. Engraved on the side was' Loyal Ta Mistah J'. I blushed.

" This is so fucking cool." He said, holding it. I chuckled. "We have to use it." He grinned.


I bounced on J's bed. I was wearing pajamas now. What a day. I lifted my arm and poked at the bruising around the stitching. "Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow." I complain with every poke.

" You're weird, you know that? Asked Joker as he fake-sneered at me.

" Yes, but you love me." I giggled.

He sighed heavily. " That I do..."

" Do you really like that bong? I had it made for you. " I informed him, pulling the covers over my body.

He pulled off his shirt and walked toward me. He sighed, " I love that fuckin thing." He smiled. He hopped in, pulling the covers over himself. He pulled me into him and yawned softly.

" More than you love me?" I asked him. I couldn't help it.

" Stop." He chuckled. I grinned. " Sleep." He mumbled.

" Okay, Jay." I sighed, getting comfortable.

" Okay, what?" He asked. I could feel his pout against my shoulder.

" Okay, daddy." I chuckled.

I heard him groan and pull me in tighter. He breathed, " Fuckin' aye, right." I heard him say.

I chuckled and closed my eyes fully. I stared at nothing as I felt my body become comfortable. I thought about the good old days before Joker and I were a thing. I remembered how awkward we were around each other. We used to get high and talk. I remembered the first time I got feelings for him.

Flashback to 3 moths before.

I cuddled Creature while Joker worked out. He and I kinda bonded this way. He was always working out, And I was always lazy. We kinda combined it and it worked. He'd be pumping iron, and I'd be sitting on the floor somewhere and we'd just yak away.

" I wonder who killed Kennedy." I said aloud. I was laying on my back, legs kinda lifted on the wall. He smirked.

" It was me." He joked.

I rolled my eyes as creature snuggled my stomach. I pet her and said, " Well you fucking suck." I laughed.

He chuckled. He said after a moment of silence,  " Fuck I'm so high. I probably shouldn't be doing this." He paused. He made a decision. " Yeah, I'm done." He said quickly.

I blinked and shrugged. He'd only started five minutes before. I heard the weights hit the ground. He came and layed beside me. " You think the world would be a different place if there was never war?" I asked him. " Like in general?" I concluded.

He blinked a few times, making a curious face. He voiced his thoughts  before the silence became too awkward, " I think it'd be different, yeah. But depending on how you look at it, It would be either good or bad." He said.

I nodded, " True, true. Do you like war, Jay?" I asked him, genuinely curious.

" Yes but no. I love a good challenge. But I hate how much I get off on it." He admitted to me. I looked at him and he stared at the ceiling. " I like it to a point... But I know it's who I am and try not to think about the little things." He looked at me." If I'm gonna blow up a casino, I'm gonna fucking do it." He chuckled, giving me a grin.

I smirked, " You're one tough cookie, Jay." I said, playfully nudging is arm. He smirked. " Were so high, we probably are gonna blow up a casino." I chuckled.

He nodded. " You down?" He asked, arching a knowing brow.

I shrugged, smiling.

" Eh, why not. Lets go." I said, sitting up and having Ceature hop off my lap.

We stood and headed for the door.


With this memory, I fell fast asleep.

Trixy Smiles__(JLS)Where stories live. Discover now