Chapter 6- Out To Play

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Croc and i made it back to the torture house just after midnight. Though it was dark, we could hear the trees sway soft in the wind thay eternally engulfed Gotham. After a moment of silence, our soft footfalls were all that could been heard.

Ya still mad? Asked Trixy.

" No, I'm not." I said out loud. Croc knew thay when I got too zoned out, it was just easier to talk out loud to Trixy.

Promise? she asked.

" Promise, hun. You knkw i love you." i admitted, a blank expression on my face.

Love you too Clem... But i been wonderin'... Was i right about that hunk of jokes? She asked reffering to Joker.

I shrugged, " Seems likeable enough. Why? Do you like him?" I asked her.

Uh huh. That i do... And i bet you're gonna tell Crocky that were gonna go work with him. She stated, already knowing the answer.

I nodded, " Of course..."

I then paused. I stopped walking and made a stupid irrational decision. Croc stopped walking and turned to face me. He gave me a questioning look. " You look like ya just made a plan to destroy City Hall..." He arched a brow, then nodded, " A'ight. Im in." he said without me saying a word.

So am i. Lemme out, girly. Added Trixy. I could feel her clawing at my insides to be let out.

I said, " I think we should join Joker... But first, I think we should go cause some trouble... Maybe rob a store, shoot a cop... Maybe steal a car or two..." I crossed my arms, pursing my lips thoughtfully. This made Croc grin, his jagged teeth glimmering in the dim night light.

" Sis, I love it when Trixy comes out ta play... Its way more fun." he encouraged me as we neared the stupid house.

I then closed my eyes, staring into the blackness and grinning when Trixy's pale pink eyes stared back. I snapped my eyes back open. I looked up at my 7 foot brother, " Let's go get ready." I said walking toward the front door.

Trixy's POV
Near Crime Alley

I looked down at my clothing. Bright purple snake-like leggings. Black combat boots. Knives around my theighs. I wore guns at my ribs and my hips. I had a black crop top on that hugged my chest. I wore a machete on my back. I also wore combat gloves and arm bangles. My hair was in a high ponytail and i wore a knock off smiley face mask. I made it so it looked like stitches with X's as eyes and a smile.

I crouched behind a dumpster, sniffing the air. Croc asked, " Whatcha sniffin' sis?" The night was bright as cars randomly passed and people walked up and down the sidewalks, streetlights randomly illuminating the road.  Unaware of just how badly i wanted to cut them open and bleed them dry... Not for sport, but just for fun. I was facinated by how fast a person could die by a knife or bullet wound.

I smiled wide, " Foward, Waylon... There's normies all around." I giggled. He chuckled as I led the way accross the street to a late-night coffee shop. I pulled my mask down as I said, " We goin' fast an loud. We'll be gone before the coppas get here." I directed.

" Right behind you," He said as he pulled his hood up.

I unholstered my gun as I pulled out my black dufflebag. I shot three holes through the window and tackled the glass. Inside I ran to the registers. No one was inside, so this should be easy enough. Croc looked all around for a safe and found one behind a painting. He ripped the door off it's hinges and pulled out stacks of cash. After I got all the money from the two registers, our bounty barely sprinkled the bottom of the dufflebag.

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