Chapter 17- The Shoot Out

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I looked out the window by the door. I saw Joker's purple Lamborghini speed down the driveway with two black vans right behind. I swung open the door and held a defensive stance as I fired.

I took out the driver of one of the vans. He swerved and the van haulted, making the van behind it slam into the first. I growled as I fired on, giving Jay cover to run toward us. Croc came beside me, firing his bazooka. The first van exploded into a ball of flames.

Joker stood beside me as the remainder came out firing. My gun clicked. It was empty. " Fuck!" I snapped, making the first clip fall. I keeled as I pulled another clip from my bra. I slammed it in. I tried firing, but it was jammed. I growled, bullets whizzing and gunshots ringing. " Clean your fucking guns, Eddie!" I screamed at him as he took shots in his doorway. I began to dismember the side of it when I felt something hit my arm. " Gah!" I groaned. I almost fell back, nut caught my balance.

I looked up, two guys in front of me. I picked my gun up with one hand as I rushed foward.

" CJ!!" Boomed the boys. But I was pissed.

I flipped the gun up into the air once I was in front of the dumbfounded henchmen. I growled and kicked the guy on the left in the chest. He fell onto his back. I caught the gun by the barrel, spun in a circle, and swung the butt into the face of the other guy. He fell immediately. I keeled, picking up his shitty auto hand gun. I fired at three more guys coming at me.

I heard footsteps and beside me was Joker. I stood beside him. We gunned down the guys and we rushed backwards, another van speeding towards the driveway.

We entered the house. Joker made me face him with a hand on my shoulder. He squinted his eyes at me. I glared back." Fuck those guys. I was helping you and I got shot, so I went head first and kicked their asses." I deadpanned. He shook his head before ripping the hem of his vest and tied the strip tightly around my bloody arm.

" We'll talk about that later." He said quickly.

I sighed, throwing the  useless AK at my feet. I turned and headed out the door, not waiting. I faced three more vans and guys piling out in doubles.


Joker yanked me by my bad arm inside. I winced at him. He pushed me behind him, then slammed the door. He swiftly turned and tackled me to the ground as bullets exploded all around us. He used his body to shield me. After a moment, he pulled me up to stand with him.

I shoved him hard away from me, " Dude, chill! I'm not a rag doll!" I shouted at him. He glared at me. I turned to the weapons cache where Eddie was handing more Bazooka ammo to Croc. I went past him and scanned for another grenade. I only had one. I found it and put it on my waist. I put a glock in the back of my pants' waistband. I held a handful of clips and stuffed them in my back pockets. Never know when you'll need to reload.

I stormed out, yanking the Bazooka from Croc's grasp. I stormed toward the front door. I was even more pissed than before. Joker being a dick and me getting shot. I was over everything at this exact moment. The door swung open and I fired the Bazooka. I immediately threw it down after, picking up my jammed AK. I slammed it hard on the ground, then picked it back up. The clip clicked and I grinned. Now it's unjammed.

Take it easy, girl. I heard Trixy, but I wasn't having any of it.

I put the gun under my bad arm and pulled out the two grenades. I pulled the pins and threw them through the hole that used to be the front door as hard as I could. The explosions went off and I charged foward.

I scanned quickly. I saw about 30 guys left. Bodies littered the ground but I knew I could do this. I opened fire again. I heard footsteps and Croc was at my left, firing his Bazooka. To the right was Joker and Eddie. I fired on. I got the last three headshots and put the gun down.

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