Chapter 7- Right In Time

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I woke to the thick smell of smoke and someone shouting my name. Everything was muffled at first, then loud, as if someone turned the dial of a stereo. My eyes shot open and I coughed. I looked around and there was broken glass all around me. I saw that I was still in the driver's seat, the the windshield was severly crunched up. A huge crack directly in front of me had blood on it. I hit my head? I felt a slight intch on my forehead. I soon realized that the truck was on it's side. I groaned when I felt the truck get pushed upright. I sagged to my right side, tiredness growing on me.

I heard the driver door get ripped from its hinges and Croc growl, "Get her and let's go!" I immediatly felt for the dufflebag and held on the straps with a death grip as someone pulled me from the truck.

I looked up at the man carrying me to a huge van. " Joker?" I mumbled. I heard him giggle as he readjusted us, tossing my dufflebag in first, then holding me in his lap as he slammed the back van doors closed. The van sped away from the accident.

I sat up, scooting opposit of him, growling deeply. I tore my mask off, glaring. I didnt like being that close to him. He put his hands up, defending himself, " Hey, we happened to watch you fall directly into our path back  there."

I snapped, " We're fine." I then groaned, holding my abdomen. Why wasn't I healing? I paused for a moment. Why did I hurt so much? Clem knows that we both need to want to heal for us to heal. Was she still mad at me?

Clem. Cmon. Help me heal. I urgeed her mentally. The pain was buring me bad. I wasn't one for pain, just inflicting it onto others.

After a few moments of silence, Iasked aloud, " Clementine?" I felt like a lost child. My heart quickened when I got no reply. Croc shot his head to me and sat beside Joker. My chest rose and fell, " I'm sorry..." I felt tears prick my eyes. I sniffled and I saw Croc shake his head. Realisation of the situation read all over his face.

" No..." was all he said, shaking his head again. Thay's when i started to freak out.

I didn't... Lose her, did I? No it's impossible. She made me! She was me! She is me. " I... i didnt mean what I said..." I sobbed softly. Tears streamed my face. " You're... My... Everything..." I choked out through cletched teeth. Croc bowed his head as I began to sob more.

I... I lost Clementine...

" You're Trixy." Joker deadpanned after the silence stretched for a while. I glared at him. I did all i did just to get his attention. Now all I wanted to do was choke him out.

" Yeah. And?" I snapped immediatly.

He shrugged, unfazed by my snappiness. " You're bleeding... All over my van." He pouted. He pointed to me.

I snarled, " That's all you care about!?" I shouted at him. My head felt woozy as I tried to stand. " CJ might be gone!" I felt tears fall. I was sweating profusely. I could feel it down my cheeks.

" I meant your head." was all he said, rather calmly.

I blinked, putting a hand to my forehead, then felt a sharp skull-racking pain. I stared at my hand. It was covered in blood. I growled. Everything hurt. I wasn't sweating. I was bleeding.

Croc spoke up, " I'll clean you up once we get..." he paused. He looked at Joker, " Where're we goin'?" he asked him.

Joker replied, " To a safehouse. No one really know where it is. Well except for the idiot drivong, of course." he chuckled, " It's actually where I was going to have you both stay if you agreed to work woth me." he added, a smile now on his face.

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