Chapter 4- Resettling In

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The house reeked of rot. I glanced around, everything was exactly the same. The couch, the TV, the coffee table. Everything was as I remembered before i left. But in the living room that's all there was. No other furniture, no books, no photos. Nothing...

All the real fun was downstairs in the basement.

I walked to the basement door. I stood there, silent. I stared at the old wooden door. I blinked, my heart thundering abnormally in my chest. That terrible torture chamber less than a foot from me. I put my hand toward the doorknob, but hesitated.

Sorry, hun, said Trixy. She knew damn well what happened down there. I pulled my arm back and sighed. I put Creature on the table to the left of me and she immediatly layed down.

Its all good... Just gimme a second, i told her.

  Suddenly i started getting flashbacks. Of my father dragging me downstairs. His words before he'd drag me from the cage, ' C'mon, little bird... Time to play a game...' i then began to remember him socking me as i screamed from the pain. He'd slice a deep line into my ribs with his scalpel whenever id shed a tear. Every... Fucking... Tear... For 6 years. I began to tremble from the memories...

That's when i got mad.

I growled primally as i pulled my left arm back to rip the door in half, but i felt a giant hand catch mine and say,
" No... You dont gotta go in there yet."
I turned as he let me go. I read his face. " Im sure the Dr. had his own room. Ill find a bathroom by you and fill it with water... Just until you can go down there." he offered.

I blinked and sighed, " Okay... Il help you fill the tub." i smiled up at him. He's right. Im not ready to go down there anytime soon. I really owe him for not letting me go ape shit whenever I got bent over something.

I followed him toward the back of the house where there were at least a dozen 5 gallon buckets. Croc picked the closest one to him up, sniffing the inside, then let a deep growl escape this lips. " Is that the scent of guts and feces i smell?" i asked him, already knowing the answer. He nodded to which i sighed. I picked up four of them, " C'mon, let's go walk them to the marsh. We can rinse 'em out there." he nodded and i followed him outside.

We rinsed the buckets and filled them. Back in the house, we found that the doctor had a connecting bathroom. Lucky for us the prick had a giant jacuzzi size tub. I plugged it and we dumped the buckets into the tub, filling it with murky water. We repeated this process several times until it was about half full.

I'd changed into a pair of sweats and and old band t-shirt. I walked barefoot to the Doctor's room. Croc then proceeded to jump face first on the king sized matress, braking the headboard and frame once his weight hit it. He shifted his head to look up at me. We both broke the silence with laud guffles and laughs. I held my lock box as i plopped onto the uneven matress.

His fit of deep giggles ceased as i opened it and pulled out 6 blunt wraps and our grinder. " You wern't kiddin' 'bout that doobie?" he asked as i put two nugs in and began to grind.

I shook my head, " Nah, bro. Its been a shitty day." I smirked as i put the grinder down and licked the ends of the wraps together, making it pretty wide. I was attempting to roll the biggest blunt i ever tried to roll in my life. He grinned as we heard my phone buzz. He put his arm behind him and grabbed my hand bag. He pulled it out, not answering it. He rolled his eyes as he showed me the screen.

" 40 missed calls just from Eddie?" my eyes widened as I began evening each end of the blunt. Croc nodded.

" Knew they woulda flipped shit if they saw the lair." He smirked. I nodded, rolling, tightening, then licking and twisting one end of it. The blunt was at least the size of Croc's middle finger.

He smiled as he put it to his mouth and lit it. I said, " Well, tomorrow we should for sure try to hit up Joker. Maybe see why his bitch of an ex wants our blood so damn bad.  See if there's any other beef with anyone else... I mean, we aint so bad," i looked up from clearing my notifications from both Jon and Eddie on my phone. Croc coughed loudly and handed me the blunt.

I took it with a smile. I then pulled all of my hair to one side of my neck. I took a giant hit, exhaling a giant cloud. Croc and I began spitting out different plans on what to do with the emergency money we had. In the end, we only had about a grand. Waitressing was hard. Especially when I wasn't getting my cut because my boss was a phoney asshole. And one G wasn't gonna get us a new lair anytime soon.

I mashed at my face with my hands as I sighed. I lifted my dufflebag and tossed the four bags of raw meat to Croc. I knew he would be hungry. I knew i was. I looked up and chuckled. His face was already in the bag and I could hear bones crunching and his lips smacking. I ate a bag of beef jerky before the blunt ran out.

I said aloud, " Okay, I'll call the boys tomorrow... If i remember... it's what, 5 a.m.?" i asked as he nodded, looking out the blinds in the Doctor's room. I shrugged, " Yeah, they can wait." I said, yawning and stretching. After, Croc took off his jacket and padded into the bathroom.

I made the broken bed by curling up in the old dusty sheets into a type of dog bed kinda thing. Creature cuddled between my legs as I felt sleep weigh heavily on my eyes. I curled into a ball as in heard Croc walk back into the bedroom and close the door and lock it.

I heard him say as he retreated back to his 'bed', " Don't worry. One wrong smell or noise and Im wakin' you up," he reassured me as i heard water splash as he got comfy.

" Thanks," I mumbled , shutting my eyes.

" Night, Clementine," He whislered, as he did everynight I fell asleep. And i always heard him.

" Night, Waylon." I whispered before letting sleep pull me into it's deep and dark embrace.

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