Chapter 8- With Joker

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Its been a few months since we moved into our new hideout. It also happened to be fairly close to Joker's place. And as partners he, Croc, and myslef planned out bank roberies and taking over local bisinesses. Luckily, befriending the mobsters wasn't that hard. My 4 1/2 years of waitressing really pulled off since all the bosses and goons already knew and loved me.

Even Croc was happy. Our hideout had an underground part that led to the harbor and the sewers. This meant he was alway damp, dark, and fed. I lived in the two stories above. I usually spent most of my time in the den I woke up in. Doodling and helping look through blueprints and putting my notes on it whenever we robbed a place.

I was upstairs in the den very same den, standing on my hands and walking on the top of the desk, trying to see if Creature would try to make me fall or not. Something i did often to pass the time. I waited patiently, trying to modimate her. She hadn't budged. But being the attention whore she was meant she would sooner or later. I wore a white tank top and lime green gym shorts. As I balenced on the ball of my right hand at the edge to turn, I began humming a song.  Both hands now down, I moved my legs to pretend I was walking. I then laughed aloud and began to sing out loud,

City's breaking down on a camel's back
They just have to go 'cause they don't know whack
So all you fill the streets it's appealing to see
You won't get out the county, 'cause you're bad and free
You've got a new horizon It's ephemeral style
A melancholy town where we never smile
And all I want to hear is the message beep
My dreams, they've got to kiss, because I don't get sleep, no

Windmill, Windmill for the land
Learn forever hand in hand
Take it all in on your stride
It is stinking, falling down
Love forever love is free
Let's turn forever you and me
Windmill, windmill for the land
Is everybody in

Before I could rap the next verse, I heard Creature meow. I arched a brow. I just fed her and she knew I was balancing so that meant someone was in the room.

I turned my heard toward the doorway and blinked.

" Oh, hiya Mr. J. What's up." I smiled casually as I pulled my legs behind my head and stood up straight. I then did i small back flip off of the desk to face him. He chuckled at me, putting his hands in his vest pockets.

" Nothin' much. But what song were you singing when I walked in?" he asked, coking an eyebrow at me. I blushed and shrugged.

" Feel Good Inc. I used to love the artist but i lost the CD a few months back." I admitted. We had to leave a lot behind. Croc and I used to get uber baked to their Demon Days album.

" Oh. It's catchy. So, I'm here to ask a favor of you." he seemed a bit unnerved as his hands remained in his pockets. I read his body language before opening my mouth.

" Whatcha need?" I asked as I hopped back on the desk and crossed my legs.

He gave me quick look over. He gave me a thoughtful look. I wish I could read minds. I knew a girl from work who did. She was one of my regulars. She used it on me as a dare. Well, i dared her... She just knew what I had been thinking. I kinda flipped out, not gonna lie. I kind wish I had kept in touch with her. Her name was Vannessa, I think. I signed inwardly, skaking her memory back to it's corner. No need to dwell on the past. I looked at him again before he went on.

" I have this... Party I need to attend. I plan on blowing it up. Would you like to be on my arm for the evening?" he asked, an incredible smile on his face. My tummy tightened as I stared at him. God he's beautiful.

Tell 'im already. Said Trulixy impatiently. I ignored her and shrugged.

" Party. Blowin' shit up? Count me in." I grinned at him. He grinned back before rubbing his hands together, not as nervous as he was before him asking the favor. I blinked as Creature made her dramatic enterence by trying to cuddle between his legs and purr. Instead, she rolled onto her back invitingly.

He kneeled down and scratched her belly, legs, head, chin. I pouted, a bit jealous. My cat's affection toward him was seriously uncanny. She loved everyone, don't get me wrong. But with J she was almost overly in love with him... Litte traitor.

" When's this party and do i have to be formal? Cause i got like... jeans." i admited to him, rubbing my arm. I wish i had expanded my wardrobe like other normal girls. But i liked smoking bud and buying video games and new killer toys for Trixy.

" Oh, don't worry about that. I'll have something brought to you. And it's tonight. I know it's short notice..." he paused looking behind me. His face read curiosity, then amusment as his cute creepy grin found it's way back to his lips. I cocked an eyebrow, turning my head to flollow his gaze. My eyes widened in horror once I realized what he was starring at.

I gasped, " Eek!" and jumped from the table and stood in front of the two drawings i had tacked up onto my wall. I stood on my tippy toes, pushing out my chest in a pathetic attempt at  shielding them from his face. He was chuckling now. One picture was target-practice; the other made me chuckle at it's irony. Target practice was a portrait i had done of Harley from memory. The other was a picture of Joker swinging Harley's infamous hammer over Harley's infamous head with me behind him cheering him on. Both i drew out of boredom.

He stepped around the desk, with a mischevious look in his eye. He then made me gasp in shock as he leaned down and picked me up in one swift movement. He then turned and set me down. He turned back to the wall and leaned in for a better look. I felt my face turning into a tomato, waiting to hear him tease me... But it never happened.

He asked as he put his hand on his hip, still eyeing the pictures, " Did you draw these yourself?" he sounded more curious than amused.

" Yeah... I, uh... I actually wanted to be a tattoo artist, but never had enough for my own shop... Y'know how that is. I had responsibilities and my art went on the back burner. Now i just pass the time with doodles." i sighed heavilly after admitting a secret about myself. I was looking down at my bare toes at this time. I was often conflicted to stop my life of crime and have my dream... But Trixy needed me. And without her, there's no me... So...

I was pulled from my thoughts by Joker. He put a finger under my chin. I looked up at him. He gave me a genuine look of happiness. I blinked, trying too think of what I said to cause this kind of reaction by him. Was it spilling my guts? Was he happy to get something real from me? He could usually read right through me. I hope he knows I'm being honest.

" Well, you just gave me a great idea... But after tonight. So, I'll pick you up around 7?" he asked me, walking past me to the door of my den. I swallowed, then noddedd as he looked back for my compliance.

" S-Sure. 7's perfect. See you tonight, Mr.J," i smiled warmly at him, trying to cover my stuttering. To this, he grinned and disappeared. I went and sat beside a lazy ball of Creature on the floor. I heard a floorboard creak outside the door when I heard him add, " And your art is very good, CJ. Your mind goes with a comedic approach and i admire it very much." i then heard his footsteps fade.

I pulled Creature into my chest as I squeezed her into a hug and squealed like a teenage schoolgirl with Trixy. I couldn't wait until tonight. That and I knew that was the nicest thing he'd ever said about any of my skills... Outside of work i mean.

God, I fucking hate feelings.

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