Chapter 16- Tedious Work

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Joker woke before me. I realised this as soon as I opened my eyes and he wasn't holding me. I looked behind me and saw that a note was where his body should've been. I plucked it up and read it carefully.

' Clementine,
Sorry to leave you so early, but I had some business to take care of. Go to Eddie's if you get bored (and we both know you will).

I love you.


I chuckled. He knew me so well. I got up and went to his wardrobe.  I yawned and stretched before opening it. To the left was J's clothes. To the right were mine. I pondered aloud, " Is today a robbing a jewelery store kinda day or a smoke bud at Eddie's day... or both?" I pursed my lips.

Both, duh. I heard Trixy. I grinned.

" I'm glad we're talkin' again." I said to her. I leaned in and pulled out a pair of red skinny jeans, a white tank top, my Doc's, my mask, and Joker's cane.

Me, too. So I hear that you're engaged. How's that going? She asked me.

I wiggled into the skinny jeans, " Promised, not engaged. I don't think we could ever settle down... But, I honestly haven't ever been this happy before. I really love him, Trixy." I admitted to her.

I'm so happy for you Clemmy. I really am. I gotta feelin that you two are gonna make it.Especially after everything that's happened. And I'm usually right. She elaborated.

" Yeah, most of the time." I told her.

Sometimes. She chuckled.

"You try and that's all that matters,"  I chuckled. She laughed. I grinned as I went to my purse by the bed. Luckily J and his goons had found a few of my belongings before the GCPD destroyed my place. Assholes.

I carried the bag on my shoulder as I lit a joint, walking towards the door. I smiled and pulled out my phone. I called Eddie.

" Hey, CJ. How are you?" He asked.

I slid down the railing as I said, " Doing well. Was thinking about stealing from a jewellery store. You down?" I asked. I stopped immediately. Croc stared at me from the top of the stairs. I gave him a shrug and a grin. He chuckled and pulled on his jacket. Of course he's coming with me.  I wouldn't have it any other way.

I handed him the joint as we went outside. " Hell yeah, I'm in. Which one? I'll meet you there." He said.

Croc hopped into the back of a grey van. " Meet you near Grant Park. Follow me after. I got the perfect place." I said.

" Eh, I dunno, C. What if the Bat shows up? That's near his domain, y'know?" He asked. Of course he was worried. But I needed to get this certain jewel...

" Don't worry about Batsy. I've got this, Eddie." I chuckled, slamming the door of the van.


We ran from the store, a pack on my back and me  trying to catch up with Croc. The Bat did indeed show up, but I smoked him out with laughing gas. But it was hard to run and cackle at the same time. I stayed behind too long to find the ring. I clutched it in my hand as I sprinted.

" You got this!?" Demanded Eddie behind me. I cackled harder. We got to the van and piled in. We had parked in an alleyway a few blocks away. After a few minutes, I showed Eddie the ring.

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