Chapter 10- Shoppe Of Jokes

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After mowing down over half the crowd with our bullets, we all paused and reloaded. Croc came to my other side, blood all over him. We all grinned, panting from their rush. The screams of fear from the still standing people made my heart thunder. Adreniline hit me hard and I loved it. My grin remained as I took a glance at Joker. He was looking back. His smile, ever present. I didn't care about anything of these people. I didn't even know them. And I could care less. That smile on his face made every second worth it. After both of my guns were refilled, I shot randomly about 6 rounds before a huge black figured dropped from the broken ceiling. I pouted as I fired a few rounds at Batman. Croc snarled. As I fired, I shouted, " You ruin everything. Fuckin' party pooper!" I aimed for a second and I laughed in suprize.

Joker cackled as Batman fell with a groan. I got his knee, where even my leggings were at it's weakest. Joke kissed my cheeck, he said in his raspy voive, " Nice shot, my love." I giggled as he pulled back, lighting off a smoke bomb right in front of us. It exploded and a large cloud of gas errupted. I turned, holding my breath. Joker held my arm loosly as we sprinted to an exit. We didn't stop until we were already through the alleyway and we were both in the Lambo.

He reversed quickly, then jerked the wheel, turning and speeding down the roads as sirens scremed behind us. Once the sounds of sirens silenced, Joker fist pumped the air, as if in victory. I grinned as I put my guns back into my purse.

Joker placed his right hand onto my theigh and squeezed it lightly. I put my hand over his hand. He turned it and intertwined our fingers together. He said, " I gotta tell you somethin' princess," he growled, usimg his knee to steer as he used his free hand to pull through his hair. He only did that when something was bothering him. I smiled, I'd kill for this man. I'd do anything to see him happy.

I asked him calmly, " What is it, J?" He looked at me and his worried look vanished. He blinked and put his attention to the road.

" I'm gonna take you somewhere... Special. Just for you, Clem.." He said. I stared at him. He was taking me somewhere special? I wonder where. Probably to Ace Chemicals. Ha! Okay that was too far. I take it back. I hope it isn't somewhere to prank me. He's done it before. He'd drop me off in the middle of no where. After a few hours he'd send someone to find me. Then he'd be all mad for a while. I wasn't in the mood for that after such a mission success.

After a few minutes, we pulled off near my hideout. It was an old business building. Reminded me of an  old shoppe. He parked, then looked back at me. I stared at the door. It read in bold tag-like rounded font, ' Smiles And Jokes'. I blinked under it read ' Tattoo Parlor'. I gasped, getting out of the car. I walked up to it. I stood outside the shoppe window and looked in. The lights were on. I could see comfy looking piercing and tattoo chairs. I heard Joker come from behind me. " Do you like it?" he asked shyly. My heart swelled as I turned to face him. My hand was over my mouth.

He stared at me as I put my hand down. I smiled at him. It wasn't forced, but genuine. He smiled back. I said,  " I love it."

He took my hand, pulling me to the enterence. He opened the door. I looked around. Frames held my designs on them. I looked and two walls were covered in names and doodles i had done over the last few years. I furrowed my brows. But, Joker had never seen these. I'd only showed...

It clicked.

I said, " Croc gave you my drawing pads, didn't he?" I turned as Joker had put his arms around me. He smiled down at me. I just adored his face. I could't help but put my arms around his neck.

" Gotta keep some secrets to myself." He winked playfully at me. I blushed.

" Thank you so much, Joker." I glanced to the left and right of me. " No one's ever been so good to me. Other than Croc... But I mean different." i blushed harder. " Fuck I'm a dork. I mean-"

He interupted me, " It's cute how you get all tounge tied with me... Makes me feel important." his eyes brightened at me. He wasn't lying. I felt like he wasn't made me feel so much more important.

" Joker... i got somethin' to say," I paused, biting my lip. I looked away. I didn't want to feel stupid if he rejected me. I sighed. I couldn't bring myself to say those eight letters.

" What is it Clem?" he asked, cupping my cheek with his hand. I looked up at him. He seemed like he was curious.

Fuck it. I'm just gonna say it. Weather he feels the same, I don't care. It have to tell him. I fuckin' have to.

" I love you." I said.

His eyes widened. Fuck. Oh, fuck my heart hurt. Dude, I shouldn't have told him. I panicked.

" I love you, too Clementine." He said. My heart soared. I grinned, trying to keep my air. He pulled me lightly into him. His arms snaked around my hips. He leaned down, kissing me. And i kissed him back. I've been waiting for this. Ever since I got these feelings for him.

We broke apart, and I got an idea in my head. " Tattoo me, Joker." i smiled up at him. He grinned. He pulled me towards the back of the shoppe. He opened a door. It was a little room with two lights in it. There was a purple leather tattooing chair. He picked me up and sat me on it.

" Lie down." He said, pulling his coat off and turning to a desk behind him. On it, I could see a machine and inks of sifferent colors.

I lied back. Joker turned, holding the gun and purple plastic gloves on. He smiled mischievously at me." What would you like?" He sat beside me.

" Everything, my love." I purred aloud. " Make me your masterpiece." I looked into his eyes. He grinned like the Cheshire Cat.

" But you already are one, beautiful." He complimented me.

" I could be better." I challenged softly. His eyes squinted, a sly smile on his face. " Please, Mistah J?" I begged. He undid the clasps on my dress straps. He pulled it down, all the money falling on the ground. He chuckled as he placed a towel over my exposed boobs. I shook softly. Not out of fear, but excitement.

" Ask me again," He did that head tilt again, his eyes rolled back. He moaned softly. He looked back down at me lovingly. I blushed.

" Please, Mistah J?" I begged again, a bit louder. He grinned at me.

" Youre soo.... Good." He applauded me. I giggled as I heard the machine vibrate. I felt him lean over me and begin. I did my best to not tense. It didn't hurt that bad. I actually liked it. He noticed my brows furrowed and asked random questions here and there. Soon, he and I kept a steady conversation for a few hours. Talking about our pasts and what made us shiver. I started cracking jokes to him when he got to my ribs and collar bone. That shit stung! He had to stop a few times because he was laughing too hard for a few minutes. I felt so special. His laugh was like beauty. It sounded deep and perfect. Made my heart sprinkle glitter and unicorn shit. I loved it.

Once he got my shoulders and stomach finished, he got to doing a checkerboard pattern of black and white with blood splatters here and there. He even gave me the smiles he had on his hand and arm. Soon, he was done. I sat up and winced softly. My body was red, but I couldn't stop smiling. He wiped my body in some type of burn jelly that would help then healing process. He fixed my dress before putting the tattooing kit back. I yawned as he turned back to me, a warm smile on his face. He opened his arms to me.

Uuugh... Fucking feelings!

Joker smirked as he pulled me into him softly, careful to not rub against my body too hard. He asked, " To be continued?" he was too damn cute. I nodded. He then picked me up bridal-style. I remember drifting off before I could reply. I was so tired.

I woke up the next morning in my bed. I felt arms draped around me. I wiggled and heard him growl softly in my ear, "Mmmhmnnn... Sleep..." he commanded groggily. I giggled, closing my eyes. His grip tightened as I crept back to that blissful abyss of R.E.M.

Trixy Smiles__(JLS)Where stories live. Discover now