Chapter 11- Be My Neighbor

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I woke to my phone vibrating. I opened my eyes. I groaned softly. My shots were hitting me. I sighed, wiggled out of J's grasp. He sighed, turning away. I found my phone buried in my purse on my nightstand. I stared at the screen. A text from the weirdo neighbor? The fuck? Why him?

The neighber was a block away. Sometimes my cat gots out to visit her fuck buddy. I usually had to go to his house and find my baby. Last time I went, though, he tried hitting on me. I made up a lie and gave him a fake name. He, one, was over 30 and was an obvious slob. And two, he was way too sure of himself. Joker was, too... But I like my man cuckoo for coaco puffs.I glared at the screen and read the message.

' Hey Lucy, I think your cat is over here again. Mind coming and grabbing her? I also made breakfeat if you'd like to stay for a bit. Maybe get to know each other a little more?'

I rolled my eyes. " Creature? Kitty,  kitty!" I called, still half asleep. I heard a meow and chuckled. I put my phone behind me as I got comfy on my side. I heard my phone turn on and Joker grumbling. I turned and he was reading my text on my phone.

" That explains why you called for your cat..." He mutter, letting the phone drop onto his stomach. He turned his head and grinned at me. He turned fully, pulling me into him. He sighed heavilly once I rested my head into the crook of his neck. " If he comes over here... I will not be... Kind." He admitted to me. He used his deep raspy voice. I nodded into his chest. " You're mine... No one elses. You are my Queen. Nothing less..." He ranted. I couldn't help myself but smirk. He acts just like a jealous 12 year old. I love it.

" Don't worry my love, I'll make him leave. And if he doesn't, I'll stick my thumb through his eye socket and scratch his brain..." I paused. He busted up laughing. He kissed my forehead. I looked up at him. " J... Do you really love me? I- I just wanna make sure." he pulled back a bit to give me a serious look. Honestly, I just wanted closure. Call me needy.

He looked at me for a moment, then his face softened. He nodded as a smile grew onto his lips, " Yeah... I meant every word." He purred.

I smirked. I then sat up. " Good." I giggled. I scrambled on top of Joker, straddling his waist. He was pretty tall and muscly, so it took me a minute to keep my balance. After a minute, i twisted and leaned over. Joker's hands immediatly went to my waist to support me. I dug through my nightstand drawer. I pulled out my little purple and green piece I'd bought. I quickly loaded a bowl.

" Wake and Bake?" He arched a brow at me. I giggled, nodding.

" Baby, It's always wake and bake in my room." I said while putting the pipe to my mouth and got a fat rip. I held it in as I put then pipe to Joker's mouth. He shook his head , pushing my hand away. Before I could pout, used his other hand to make our faces connect. Our mouths caught each other and I exhaled, making Joker inhale.

I backed up and he exhaled a huge cloud. He giggled like crazy before taking the piece and let me light a hit  for him. I bit my lip as I watched him take a rip. He looked up at me. He exhaled and sighed. " Baby, honey, apple of my eye..." He purred, setting the pipe down onto his glorious bare chest. I leaned down slightly, making myself rub against him. I raised my eyebrows waiting for him to continue. " Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty please get off of me before I do something... Foolish..." He growled while smirking. I giggled.

" Are you suuure ya want me off?" I winked. Before he could argue, my phone chimed. I was getting a phone call. Joker sighed as he picked it up. His smirk dropped immediatly. He showed it to me. It was the fucking neighbor. Calling me. I growled.

" What?" I snapped putting Dave on speaker phone. Joker took another hit.

" Lucy, hi. Want me to bring Creature over?" he asked. Joker and I both turned our heads toward the doorway. Creature was playing with a toy. We both looked at each other. We both shook our heads. Jokee held in a chuckle. " Gotta give the man props for tryin'." he joked, waving his wrists slightly. I nodded.

Trixy Smiles__(JLS)Where stories live. Discover now