Chapter 5- Going To See Joker

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I woke to hearing Croc talking.

" Yeah... Sorry, cant tell ya that... Well fuck!" He snapped. He sounded irritated. I sat up from the crooked bed, yawning and stretching.

He continued, " Joker, you wont find us... Screwy signals from my ipad...Well ya dont gotta be a fuckin' dick about it... Hey, your girl--... EX GIRL, FUCK! DOES IT MATTER?!" He snarled/yelled. I chuckled. I picked up Creature and cuddled her to my chest, making her purr and lick my cheek. I smiled beachse it felt like sandpaper. I could her Croc's panting from his outburst as he listened. " She. Came. At. Us. We got no beef. Ya care to explain?" He said, obviously irritated. After a moment, I could hear him groan. He probably wasn't getting any answers.

I stood up and walked uo behind him quietly. He was sitting on the edge of the tub, his headset connected to his ipad. He was facing away from the bathroom door, legs in the murky water. I tapped him on his shoulder. He jumped, then whipped his head to stare at me.

I mouthed, ' Joker?' he nodded and i shrugged.

"I'm still here," he went on,  " I could care less bout why she left. Just keep 'er away from us. We ain't done nothin' to--" he paused. His eyes widened, then narrowed into a scowl, " We were never invited, asshole," he snapped.

I rolled my eyes, already knowing exactly what he was talking about.

Croc and i weren't the most highly favored in the criminals' eyes. We never showed up to any of the meetings for robberies or for important parties. We did what we wanted whenever we wanted and killed anyone that opposed us. No one ever complained before. We never started any drama with the other villans. At least not until Harly began coming around. I mean, Croc and I could do more than the Joker and the mob in a week than they could do in a month. We should've been seen as allies, not enemies.

I then pulled the headset off of him and put it on.

" Joker?" i asked. Corc made a confused face and mouthed, ' The hell you doin'?'

" And, uh... Who exactly am i speaking to?" He asked. Oh, yeah. We'd never met, let alone spoken to each other.

" I'm CJ." i said my name.

" You're... A girl?!" he sounded astounded. Then he began a loud fit  of cackling, as if finding out my gender was the funniest thing he'd ever heard. I rolled mt eyes, shaking my head.

"Yes, I'm a girl. Now, would you like to meet?" i asked, getting it out of the way. Seemed respectable enough for me.

His fit of giggles ceased as he answered, " I, uh... Shit, why not? I am not busy since non of my experienced men can find a single certain girl that I created and kill her..." he sounded annoyed, then gasped, " ... And maybe that's why they can't catch her..." He pondered aloud, seemingly to himmself. Of course he was talking about Harley Quinn, the high-heel wearing psycho that felt the need to bomb our hide out for no apparant reason.

I tapped my foot. " You done?" I asked, being snarky.

" No..." He retorted.

" Fuck, you're as bad as her," I deadpanned, then chuckled. Talking to him was slightly amusing.

To this he laughed, "Ahaha! Anyways... How about we meet at Riddler's. From what I gather, you are friends with him... Should be a tad bit easier on Crocky-Boy, eh?" He offered. As if he gave a damn. I squinted as he added overly excited, " By the by, you sound nothing like him! Tell me, I was lead to believe you were born with similar abilities as him,"

I growled my primal growl, "Depends on how you look at it. We'll meet you after dark. Goodbye, Joker." i tapped 'end' on the headset without a reply. I took them off and glanced over Croc's shoulder for the time on them ipad.

Trixy Smiles__(JLS)Where stories live. Discover now