Chapter 3- Quick Escape

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How i imagine CJ to look...

Croc had knocked the wind out of me with his quick football tackle. He immediatly lifted himself and helped me stand. We both faced the destroyed enterence. Through the smoke we heard her stilettos and he high pitched cackling.  Once in full view she had her glock pointed straight at us.

I glared at her as she said in her thick brooklyn draw, " Hiya, toots! Long time no see," she had a giant grin on her face. This wasnt the first time she'd bothered us. We just fixed our lair the week before from her damn happy gas attack.

" Fuck off, Harley. Leave us alone." I snarled at her, threatengly. Her smile turned into a pout.

" No can do. Can't 'till--"  a delayed eplosion threw her into the wall right of her. I guess her timers weren't set just right.

Coc and i gave each othera quick look,  then nodded. He immediatly ran to her as I ran to my room and put a few t-shirts and jeans into my dufflebag. I ran into the livingroom and snagged our system. I then ripped the tv from the wall and let it rip the wires from inside the walls, which were connected to our security systems. I gathered my bong and all of the contents off of the floor from the broken coffee table. Turned to a lock box which had emergency cash and my costume inside.

Croc had tied the unconscious Harley to the concreate slab that used to be our door. Plus it was 20×'s her size, so she'd be going no shete fast. He then poured gasoline all over the lair. He pulled his emergency dufflebag from his room and jogged to me.

I picked up Creature and put him in my book bag. Croc took my dufflebag and lockbox from me and broke through the opposite wall as I lit a roach from my pocket and threw it at the gasoline trail behind us.

"... I don't know where else we can go..." Croc admitted to me.

But you do, said Trixy.

No, I barked at her. I swore I'd never go back there.

Why not? There's no where else to turn. And no one evwn knows where it is... We have to, she added.

Fuck. She's right. Dammit. Fuck it all to hell...

" Fine!" i growled aloud.

Croc gave me a questioning look as Harley began to cough and dry-heave behind us. I got a tighter grip on Creature as I said, " Follow me," and sprinted foward.

I could heard Croc's heavy foot-falls just behind me as i navigated through the sewer tunnels that I used to call home. I fucking hate moving. I hate Harley Quinn even more for making us have to move. Stupid bitch.

All the way across Gotham... Again.

" Just think... Of the... Fat doobie... Im gonna roll... Once we're there..." I panted aloud for Croc to hear. He chuckled. We were above ground and had to go there long way around Gotham not to arouse any suspicion as to why Killer Croc was tailing after a girl hugging a cat.

I paused a moment as we reached an open field, which surrounded the inland of outer Gotham. Croc panted beside me. After a moment, us both bent over to catch air, " How she find us?"

I shrugged, " Don't know, don't care. For now, it's in the past."

I sighed, standing up straighter. I looked before me and felt my blood run cold. The old house where it all happened. I felt my body tremble. Not out of fear, but anger. I shouldve tortched the house, too. I hated everything about it. Its's beige colored trim. The old bushes out front. The plants that were probably rotted out within...

I put my head down, analyzing the situation. Did we really need to go in there? I felt a huge hand grip my shoulder. I looked up and he gave me what would be a smile. I smiled back. But at least i wasnt alone. With both Trixy and Croc, i was strong enough for anything. With this. I touched his hand and we walked foward.

See, most people believe that Croc is a destroying carnivorous monster. A basic animal. Well, he is but he isnt. After he met me he made it his obligation to wean himmself off of human flesh. Even now, he's always worried that the most simple trigger will make him snap and go back to the old him. But to me, his blood was red just like everyone else's. Though, he knew that no one would ever accept him simply for what he'd already done and for what he looks like. That's why he just stays in the shadows. But i refused to let him treat himself like an animal. He's always gonna be my big brother. And i think that's why we click so well. I'm basically a wolf in sheep's clothing and he's a man-eating maniac. Put us together and we're the ultimate killing machine. Some would go as far to say that I was his weakness... And that he was mine... But we would never be lovers...

We were just two criminally insane people that were extremely close.

Once outside the front door, i took a deep breath. If memoery served me right, the cells downstairs still had mats for the cages. And underneath was a drain that lead straight for the sewers of Gotham... Hopefully if no one was brave enough to venture out this far. I hope it hasn't been ransacked...

Honestly, i was only in the mood for a bowl and a nap. No more bull shit...

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