Chapter 2- Home With Croc

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Yeah... Killer Croc is my best friend. He found me the night I ran away from Dr.Jones' home. I was still bloodied, nearly dead from blood loss and shaking from the rain. I'd made my way to a ditch on the other side of Gotham.

The further away I was, the better. I tripped in the water, knocking my head against the ground and going unconscious.  I woke in a dark place. I remember fluttering my eyes and there he was. A giant lizard. I wasnt scared at all. In all honestly, i thought i now had a pet. I sat up, reaching to touch his face.

At first, he snapped his head back, his glowing yellow eyes, widened. I smiled as i kept my arm outstretched, " Im not gonna hurt you." i admitted. I wasnt gonna. I was facinated by the creature standing just before me. He seemed to ponder something in his mind.

He the opened his mouth, " You aint scared of me?" He asked in his deep gutteral voice. I shook my head.

" Aint you scared of me?" I asked cocking an eyebrow at him. He shook his head. I smiled, " You should be..." I said honestly. If i could kill the Doc, what if i killed this big guy? He smiled this time, his jagged teeth glimmering in the dim light.

"How old is ya?" he asked as he turned. He bent over and picked up an old matted blanket. He put it around me as I sat criss-cross. I tightened the blanket around me as I answered.

"10," I smiled brightly up at him. "How old are you, Mister?" I wasnt gonna be satisfied until this stranger was my friend.

" I's older than you is... So... Why did I find ya at my cave enterence?" He sat on the ground before me. I pulled my knees up to my chest and I got myself comfortable on the concrete slab.

" Im an experiment... I killed my dad... He used to do... Bad things... And i ran," i said honestly as a scowl formed on my face. He nodded. As if letting it sink in fully.

" Yer 10 and you killed yer pops. Shit... That aint too bad." He gave me a toothy grin, " I killed my aunt when I was 'bout yer age." he admitted to me. i chuckled. A common enterest. Thats the foundation of most friendships.

"Is it okay if i... Stay with you?" i asked after a few moments of silence. He thought about my request for a minute, then nodded.

I like 'im. Said Trixy.

"So do I," i said aloud.

He stared at me, " You do what?" he asked me.

" Huh? Oh! Trixy!" i pointed at my head.

He seemed a bit interested and asked, " Tell me more 'bout her."

I smiled. I could feel Trixy radiate from inside me, excited to be asked about as a subject topic.

And that's how Croc and i became roomates and best friends.


Over the years, he took care if me. And I him. We were basically siblings. And us having the same last name was completely ironic. Croc was often tormented by the Gothamnites. I could pull off being normal, so no one ever noticed a random kid stealing raw meats from markets to wean her best friend off of human flesh. He was the only man that i cared about in my life and thats just how i wanted it.

As i stopped jogging and briskly walked, i thought back to the fateful night that Croc and I became a twisted little family. As i grew, he let me wander all over his dark and damp lair in the sewers, beneath the city of Gotham. Id become adjusted to the darkness and found it soothing in a weird kind of way. I always felt supported and safe.

That and the fact that Killer Croc layed a room away from me everynight also made me feel safer. I mean... Who would be stupid enough to bother Killer Croc? Exactly. Nobody.

I saw the familar ditch. We're home, Trixy sang. I giggled and nodded. I looked around me, making sure i wasnt followed. I jumped down the 6 foot drop and landed in a crouch. I stood straight as I grabbed my knife from it's sheath at my waist. I pried the sewer gate lock and it popped open. I crawled in, closing the gate behind me.

I crawled foward about 20 feet before dropping straight down a 10 foot drop onto concrete. I rolled into a summersault to soften the fall. I inhaled deeply, the stentch filling my lungs. But i honestly didnt mind it. I'd grown to love it.

I followed the tunnel for a bit before there was a split. I went left and followed it until i saw a wodden slab randomly in the middle of the endless tunnel. I went to the right of it and placed my hands on the hidden door. I pressed the thick slab of concrete and went foward. Once inside, i pushed the slab back into place.

I was immediatly greeted by a loud meow and a giant tailess cat rubbing against my knes, purring. I fell to my knees and scooped Creature into my arms. I went to a switch and turned on the dim lights of our lair.

After a few bank roberies and petty thefts we had enough to re-do the entire hideout. We had a computer set up with all of our security cameras and such. We even made Croc's room a swamp room. Simply for his comfort. I usually crashed out in the living area or my room. But playing online and smoking bud were kind of my only outlets from work.

As a bonus, I had a week vacation time, which meant all I was doing was gaming out, geting shit faced, and unreccomendedly stoned with my brother.

I walked up to the big screen and saw he was doing an online death match. He was just about to abeat my high score. I just couldnt help myself. He didnt know I was there, so I lifted my knee and pushed the couch he was sitting on. He immediatly jumped, his giant controller almsot falling on the ground. I looked back up at the screen and saw an enemy shoot him and take his points, not beating my score, but ending the death match. " No..." He said lowly.

I giggled and he snapped his attention to me, " Dick," he pouted. He pulled his headset off. I shrugged and plopped beside him.

" Gotta keep my title, bro. And i know youd do it, too." i reminded him. We did get brutal online from time to time. Especially too each other.

To this, he chuckled, " Yeah..."

I pulled my bag from around me and setting it on my lap and Creature decided to migtarate from my lap to Croc's. She purred as he pet her gently.

I pulled out the whiskey gallon, the raw meat, the beef jerky, and the pawn shop bag on the coffee table. I handed Croc the giant watch, to which he said, " You didnt buy this didja?" he asked as his eyes widened. I pulled his left arm to me and put the watch on him.

It fit perfectly, " Nah. I saw it and thought you you," i said honestly.

He gave me a toothy grin. After staring at the watch, a serious look came upon his face, " Sis... I love it..." was all he said.

And again, I just couldnt help myself.
" Is the scary Killer Croc showing emotion?" i pursed my lips and cocked an eyebrow as I nudged his elbow playfully.

He gave ame a death glare, narrowing his golden eyes, " Don't push it, sista." i busted up laughing as he raised his head to sniff the air.

He immediatly shot up fast, turning to the enterence. He continued sniffing, looking for anything. Somethin's up, Trixy growled. I nodded, pulling myself from the couch to stand. I pulled my  knife from it's sheath.

Croc suddenly turned sharply towards me, " GET DOWN!" he snarled as he tackled me into the coffee table. It snapped in half drom our weight, putting our contents from my bag around us. Behind him was a thunderous explosion that shook the entire lair.

We booth knew exactly who it was.

" HARLEY!" we both snarled.

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