1.6. The Man in the Panda Suit

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As soon as I get out of the building I... oh god I think I'm gonna be sick.

Sit down, I gotta sit down. No, I can't, I've got to run. Get as far away from Batgirl and this life as I can. I can't do this, I really can't.

Okay Meredith. You're having a panic attack. You know what that feels like. You know how to deal with this.

Fuck, I can't.

All I can hear is my footsteps thundering down the abandoned and decomposing street until I've hurled myself over the builders barrier.

I've got to pull myself together. I've got to go home and wake up in the morning like nothing has happened. I've got to act normal for Mom. And then I've got to figure out what to do next. Because right now, I'm doubting everything. The plan. My sanity.

Breathe. You've got to breathe. That's right. Breathe. None of this matters. All that matters is Batman. Because killing him is all you have to live for. Nothing. Else. Matters.

I slow my pace and take a minute. A minute to evaluate my mind. No. I'm not crazy. This is probably the sanest thing I've ever done. A life for a life.

I take a deep breath and round the street corner.
And in a split second I know my mind is gone.

Because that isn't really a man in a panda suit.

Is it?

And that's just about the last thing I remember before the back of a gun hits me on the head.


My head hurts. I mean really kills. I don't know if my eyes still work. Open, let alone work. Everything is blurry, I can't see anything.

Things seem bright... wherever I am, its bright. And cold, really really cold. It smells of dust... dust and cold, wet concrete.

"She's coming around boss."


That voice...

A pair of black shiny shoes suddenly start to make their way out of the blur, they keep up a slow even pace and for a moment I'm worried they're going to walk into me. Into my head.

And they stop, just inches away from my face.

"So... who is this new kid on the block?"

My eyes start to work again but I don't think I wanna see the face that goes with that voice. I move my head a little and force my vision to focus. The white blurry face... the two dark craters where eyes should be... the green hair. I blink, and I blink hard. Everything is in focus now, sharp and crisp. But right now I don't think this is really happening.

I have to shut my eyes before I start to spew up my guts all over the floor, really this time.

The person standing over me is The Joker.

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