1.13. A Commisioner Calls

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"Honey!" Mom calls from downstairs. "Someone's here to see you!"

I set my hairbrush down on the dressing table. Who the hell is here to see me? I don't like this. Literally no one comes to see me anymore, all my friends have ditched me.

Ugh, it had better not be Dad, demanding an apology.

Nah, can't be, Mom wouldn't say it like that if it was him. Whoever it is, I've gotta bite the bullet and go down.

Wrapping myself in a pink fluffy robe, I bound down the stairs until I stop abruptly at the kitchen door. Sitting at the counter is a distinguished looking man of about sixty, with a grey moustache and wearing a brown old fashioned overcoat.

"Honey, this is Commissioner Gordon. He's come to talk to you about... well, you know."

Okay, keep calm. He can't know anything, he can't. You've just gotta play it cool and get him out as quickly as possible.

"Hey," I put on a sheepish smile.

"It's alright, you're not in trouble," he says reassuringly. "I was going to send over a deputy but as my daughter pointed out she works closely with your mother at the library, I thought I would drop in myself."

Great. What am I supposed to say, thank you?

"Okay..." I look to Mom who gives me a look. I know that look. It means you gotta be more polite than that.

"Why don't you sit down?" Mom pulls out a chair opposite the Commissioner and I reluctantly sit down.

"Now Meredith," the Commissioner puts on a fatherly tone of voice which instantly puts me at ease. "I know things have been very, very tough for you these past couple of months."

I bite my lip but inwardly I feel relieved, so relieved. I'm just in for a lecture about wasting police time, scaring everyone, being a shitty teenager.

"But it's really wrong to put your family though what you did. Not to mention all the wasted police effort and time which you caused."

And there it is.

"I'm sorry," I say quietly, staring down at the half eaten bowl of cereal on the table in front of me. "I was so... stupid. I just needed time alone. I didn't think."

"My daughter Barbara is just a little older than you and I can't imagine what I would go through if she disappeared like you did."

Yeah, but let's face it, I bet the most trouble the Commissioner's daughter has ever been in is... Wait... Barbara?

"I'm really sorry," I mutter. "It won't happen again. I promise."

"I'm really glad to hear that," he stands and throws a sympathetic smile at Mom before turning to me one last time. "Don't let someone else's evil ruin your life. Your sister wouldn't want that."

What the hell does he know about what Sally would have wanted?

With that Mom shows him out and while she's gone I think, and think hard. Barbara Gordon? I'm sure I've never met her but I know that name... think, think, think...

"Mom!" I call into the hallway after hearing the front door firmly shut, "does Barbara Gordon have long red hair?"

She comes back into the kitchen with her arms crossed, looking pretty unimpressed.

"Meredith, did you listen to anything he just said?"

I sigh and start to feel the ache of guilt deep in my gut. I want to imagine what she must be feeling right now, I need to... but I can't. I know it will break me down and I can't afford that right now. I might have just hit Batgirl.

"I'm so sorry Mom," I whisper before going over to her and hugging her. She puts her arms around me and for just a moment I feel like a kid again. I would give anything to go back, I really would...

Snap out of it. Just snap out of it.

"Am I still grounded forever?" I smile guiltily, pulling away and wiping away tears I'm not sure are there or not.

"Well... maybe a week will do."

"Thanks Mom," I say with genuine gratitude.

She glances up at the kitchen clock.

"Oh God, I'm late for work! We've got a whole new load of books coming in at the library and it'll be chaos without me there."

She quickly kisses me on the cheek, grabs her overflowing handbag from the counter and dashes towards the front door all in one movement.

"Wait, Mom!" I yell just as she reaches the door.

"Honey, I'm -"

"Does Barbara Gordon have red hair?"

"Yes! Gotta go, love you!"

With that she slams the front door and within a few seconds I hear the engine of her car start up outside. I wait until I'm sure she's gone before dashing upstairs and begin frantically searching my room for my mobile.

Come on, come on, come on. Where is it? I want to be able to do this before I lose my train of thought. I had it last night... fuck.

Finally I find it under a pillow and scroll through the contacts until the person I want comes up.

The call is answered within seconds.


I lean back in my chair.

"Hey, Vicki. It's Meredith."

"Meredith?" She sounds taken aback. "Hey."

Yeah she really didn't expect from me, did she? Shitty friend 101, low popularity wannabe slut who ditched me for the next person up the social ladder rung. Two faced bitch.

"I just wanted to ask you something," I say in a sickly sweet voice. "A little boy assistance."

"Sure, go ahead."

"What was the name of that guy you dated a few years back who dumped you after you gave him your V card?

"Hey! It wasn't because of -"

"Never mind about that, just what was his name?"

"Dick... ummm... Dick Grayson. You know Bruce Wayne was his sugar daddy?"

Dick Grayson.


"Ewww, Vicki, he was his foster dad," I switch back to mean girl mode. It's the only way to get respect from a bitch like this.

"Oh, I'm not so -"

"Whatever," Despite myself I roll my eyes. Obviously her IQ hasn't expanded since our friendship ended. "Who was the girl you said he was dating recently?"

"How the fuck should I know?" Her voice crackles defiantly down the phone line.

"Oh come on, you know! The ginger one who thinks she's Einstein and Mother Teresa rolled into one?"

I know she doesn't need the prompt. She knows the name, birthdate and vital statistics of every girl any of her exes has dated, pre or post their relationship.

"Oh you mean Barbara Gordon?"

She carries on babbling on about something but I hang up.

I've got everything I need to know.

Batgirl and Robin.

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