2.24. The Deal

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My vision blurs as the water pounds down onto my face. I look right up into the shower head and force my eyes to stay open. It's funny, all it does is make my eyes seem incredibly dry.

Bright orange liquid runs off me and blood clots circle the drain at my feet. It feels good to wash it all off of me, I feel like I can move properly again.

I can't hear what's going on in the room and I like it that way. I can't hear Evelyn crying, I can't hear the guard swearing and damning me to hell as he changes the bed sheets.

I grope around the silver shelf for shampoo bottle but all I get hold of is thin air. Great. It must be by the sink.

I wipe my eyes and glance through the glass screen of the shower.

What I see almost makes me have a heart attack.

The Joker is sitting slumped against the bathtub, watching me with an amused expression on his face.

Crap, how could you not have seen him coming in? He's not exactly easy to miss.

"I'm sorry, did I startle you?" He purrs, bringing his knees up to his chest and resting his arms across them.

"Yeah," I mutter, trying my best to cover myself with my hands without making it too obvious.

"No need to be shy," he says lightly. "It's nothing I haven't seen before."

I guess it isn't. I reluctantly move my hands away from my body and run them through my hair in another attempt to wash out the blood. I guess I'm gonna have to manage without shampoo, there's no way I'm coming out of here to get it now.

"I see you've been doing some redecorating," J suddenly speaks again.


"You mean to say you're not behind that ingenious use of textural red on the bedroom wall?"

Despite the heat and steam in here a small shiver runs down my spine. But I'm not panicking. Not yet. Not really.

"He was... he was going to... to hurt me. I had to protect myself."

I don't know if he can hear me over the pounding of the water. I hope he did. I don't want to have to repeat that god awkward explanation.

"Ah well, you saved me a job. He never got the joke." The Joker shrugs, tugging at the collar of his white silk shirt.

I wipe my hand across the cold glass, leaving a clear smear in the steam. There's something in his voice that's off, I want to be able to see if I can see it in his face.

He catches me looking and I quickly glance away.

"Mind if I join you?" The joviality in his voice is suddenly renewed. Along with his fucking sadism.

"Do I have a choice?" I ask bitterly, wiping my wet bangs away from my eyes.

He looks me in the eye, the corners of his mouth twitching up ever so slightly.

"We always have a choice, Meredith."

Oh yes. A choice. A choice of giving the right answer or suffering the consequences.

I sigh.

"I needed someone to wash my back anyway."

I turn away as he starts to strip. I don't want to make myself any more uncomfortable than I already am. If that's possible.

It's not even my body I mind him seeing. Or anybody for that matter. I've never been one for modesty, physically I mean.

It's him seeing the scar that makes me feel ill. He branded me. A reminder that he broke me. And that, no matter how hard I pretend it's not true... it's that he still owns the pieces.

That's what I can't bear him to see.

I feel a cold rush of air on my back as the shower door opens. I don't turn around. Not even when I feel his body pressing into mine, warm and dry. Within seconds there's water running between us and his arms are wrapped around me. Without resistance I lean back into him, letting him touch me.

What else can I do?

"I want to discuss a business proposition with you," he whispers into my ear, his fingers tracing down my ribs.

"This is how you win over all those fat businessmen, huh?"

It's a lame attempt at a joke, but I feel the muscles in his chest and abs contact as he laughs.

"No, but only I never discuss business like this with fat businessmen."

I can feel that shiver again.

"What is it you want?"

His hands slide back up onto my shoulder blades , I wince as they touch my breasts. Or maybe I'm wincing because of the cracked ribs beneath. One or the other.

"Would you marry me?"

"Are you in love with me?" I grin quietly, I can't help it.

His hands squeeze my shoulders.

"I told you, this is strictly business."

Oh God. He wasn't joking.

That realisation hits me like a punch in the stomach.

"Why?" I have to clear my throat, despite all this water my mouth is so dry.

"I told you. Because you'll never be a liability to me."

Because I could never love him.

He needs someone, a sidekick. Someone to be a mother to his baby.

Christ, Evelyn. He'd be in for a lifetime of hell. I can't...

It's funny. This is the safest I've felt in weeks. With the person I fear holding me, being by my side. No, it's not. It's not that he's by my side. It's that it feels like he's on my side.

No. He's insane. He killed Mom, he tortured you. He wants to destroy my father. He wants to turn your child like him.

But he has the power to protect you. From himself.

"Our son. Will you let me raise him as normal as I can, then, when he's old enough, he'll have the choice to be... to work with you."

He sighs.

"God, you're so boring. Sure, okay, why not."

I turn face him, being careful to keep my eyes fixed firmly on his face.

"We have a deal."

Hiya! I know this chapter is a little bit different/a bit more slow, but what do you think?!

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