2.22. Seeing a Ghost

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I feel like I have a thousand eyes burning into me as I walk down the high street, most prolifically Tattoo man's. I'm painfully aware of his presence behind me, his gaze studying every single little move I make.

It's almost as uncomfortable as the feeling of $15,000's worth of cash being in my pocket.

I threw being too scared to buy anything out of the window a long time ago. The Joker gave me the money and I'm gonna damn well spend it.

First off the jewellery store. The one I walked past every day for about two years on my way to school.

There was this huge double finger diamond ring in the window - I've been eyeing it up for as long as I can remember - now it's on my hand. Then we went to the clothes shop, though that was mainly for the basics. Then the department store; perfume, makeup, lingerie. Oh yes, I could see tattoo man greatly appreciated the visit to the lingerie department. At least it gave me a bit of breathing space.

Lastly it's to the baby store, Evelyn needs the size up in clothing already.

As we pass a newspaper stand I pick up a postcard of Wayne Tower. Maybe I'll frame it and put it on the wall in the apartment.

I'm about to turn and leave the headline of the weekend city newspaper catches my eye.

Bruce Wayne at memorial for missing secretary: "I refuse to accept she's dead."

I look away. I don't want to read it. I can't.

After that my anxiety of being seen is almost doubled, no, tripled. I don't even know if I'm dreading or hoping that I'll be recognised by someone. But it's Saturday in Gotham, the streets are crammed, nobody's looking at me. At least, the ones who do, with me wearing this suit, they're not gonna be looking at my face.

Every now and then I glance back at tattoo man who is struggling with all the bags and boxes I'm dumping on him. He knows I'm higher up in the pecking order with J and that he can't complain. And now I know that I'm gonna make his life hell. Call it payback for that night at the mansion.

As we pass a drugstore, it suddenly occurs to me that I should stock up on baby formula while I have the chance. I wave my hand behind me to make it clear that I'm turning off the sidewalk before stepping into the store. I don't want to give tattoo man any reason to be jumpy. He has the definite air of someone with an over active trigger finger.

Inside I make a beeline for the baby aisle, I don't really wanna hang around in here. It's too small, too empty.

Turns out that worry is about to come frighteningly true.

As I scan over the different tins of formula something catches my eye just above the top of the shelves, in the next aisle.

I look up.

And come face to with Barbara.

Oh no, no, no, no, no, no...

Her face is white, her eyes are open wide. She looks like she's seeing a ghost.

I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do...

I catch her eye and shake my head ever so slightly.

Behind me. I'm being watched. Please understand. Please...

She understands, but barely. She glances down at a packet of bandaids in her hands.

Any clue, how can I give her a clue...

I look around the shelves, I need something, I need anything...

Relax, you've got to relax. I let the tension in my shoulders release and step over to the wooden alphabet building blocks by the cans of baby food. Someone has brought them over from another part of the store, probably a kid, and ripped the packet open.

I glance casually over my shoulder at tattoo man. He's leaning against a stack of shelves staring down at his phone, the way his fingers are dancing over the screen I'd hazard a guess he's playing candy crush.

Barbara is half turned away from me, I can see her hands nervously going through a selection of toothpastes.

Off handedly I stack the wooden blocks into a tower, blank sides facing forwards, except the top one. That has the letter 'X' facing forwards. X marks the spot.

It's not enough. How can I...

I glance over my shoulder again. My watcher's attention is still on his phone. In one quick movement I pull the postcard of Wayne Tower out of my pocket and prop it next to the blocks.

"Never mind," I mutter, turning to tattoo man. "They don't have what I need here. Take me home."

As we walk out I see Barbara is moving over to the spot I just left. She's seen the message. If you can call it that.

She looks up and catches my eye. Her lips  matter move in silent words.

We'll find you.

I look away.

It's gonna take everything I have to walk out of this store. Away from my one lifeline of freedom.

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