1.28. Stay

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I stumble out of the hospital room as fast as the dizziness will allow, but my head seems to be getting clearer more and more as I go along. A few people try to stop me, ask if I'm okay but I push past them without answering.

Soon I'm out into the parking lot and I spin around 360, desperately trying to see somewhere to escape to.

I know. I know where to go.

I run past the rows and rows of cars until I'm out into the street. My head starts to spin again but I keep going I have to.

I don't remember the way to the department store, I just remember getting there and stunning up the rusting fire escape. Several times I slip, scraping my shins but I keep on going.

This is where it began, this is where it should end.

When I get onto the roof I stumble over to the edge; the edge overlooking the police department.

I step to the very edge. I can see toes of my boots over the brightly lit road so far below. I feel the tears start to spill down my face and drop down into the abyss.

You have to do this.


"Sally?" I hear her voice but I know she's not there. I know she's dead.

"You don't have to do this," I can almost feel her touching my arm, trying to pull me away from the edge.

"I do, I don't have a choice!" I sob, my body begging to shake with the cold and the adrenaline.

"Of course you do."

I can see her now, standing beside me on the edge, her long dark hair whipping around her in the cutting wind.

"What am I supposed to do?" I cry out, burning my face in my hands.

"Go home, get help from the people who care about you."

"Nobody cares about me! That's the point! It was just you, and you're gone!"

"You have Mom... and Batman."

I shake my head.

"Not Batman, he doesn't care. He killed you."

"No, Meredith. The man who stabbed me killed me. You need Batman, just trust me. He's the only one who'll be able to protect you." She smiles, holds out her hand. "Come on."


I gulp and take her hand and step away from the edge.

I sob falling to my knees, keeping hold of her hand, keeping hold of her for as long as I can.

"You're gonna have a baby. It doesn't matter who's it is, you're going to raise the strongest and most amazing kid in the whole country. Do that for me, I know you can."

I take a deep breath. "Okay."

"Good. Now call Mom. You need each other."

Without looking back I start to climb down the ladder, my old fear of heights returning. I hold on tight, keep steady.

I can't think, I know if I do I'll change my mind. The second I hit the sidewalk I cross the road over to the police department, there's a public phone booth behind it.

I throw some loose change I have in my pockets into the machine and dial Mom's mobile. She answers almost instantly, her voice is quiet and tired.


"Mom!" I try to keep my voice calm but it's almost impossible.

"Meredith? What's wrong, are you at home?"

"No. I'm in a phone booth behind the police department. Come and get me. Please."

I hang up and slump down against the booth's glass walls. I'm shaking with cold but I'm alive. And I'm going to stay alive.


"Meredith!" My eyes snap wide open.

"Mom!" I jump up and hug her, my arms hitting the sides of the compact booth as I do so.

"What's happened honey?" She asks quickly, wrapping me in her warm woollen coat. I can feel droplets of rain against my face on her shoulder, in her hair.

"I've made some terrible mistakes," I cry into the itchy woollen fabric. "You're gonna stop loving me when I tell you."

"I could never stop loving you," she whispers softly.


"Of course." She starts to guide me out into the street. "Come on let's get you into the car. It's just-"

The gunshot shatters through the air. I scream, at least I think I do, someone is grabbing me and forcing something over my head, a bag.

I scream out again, try to fight, but they've already grabbed my arms and are pressing me against the wall.

The last thing I catch a glimpse of is Mom lying lifeless on the cold hard ground before the rough black bag goes over my head.

The Aster {Book 1 & 2} (Batman/Joker/Robin/Batgirl story)Where stories live. Discover now