2.1. A Mission

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"Gotham police department, ten minutes. Come as the Aster."

"What?" I can't keep the doubt out of my voice. This seems impossibly too good to be true. So impossible I know it isn't true. Well, at least there'll be a very big catch.

"I have a job I'd like you to help me out on. Ask for Commissioner Gordon." Batman's voice is convincing, I can tell he's trying to cheer me up after this morning's row. Maybe he took what I said on board.

In my dreams.

"Okay, if I can still fit into it," I reply quickly, I can't help feeling the excitement creeping up on me. No matter what he wants me to help out with, it's better than being stuck here.

I hang up and head over to the wardrobe, and struggle for an embarrassing amount of time to remove an old packing case off the top on it.

I have the mask and the sweater on within seconds, the jeans... yeah, forget it. I'll just keep on the maternity jeans I have on right now. Even the jumper struggles to cover my bump, a month or so I was still just about able to hide it, but not anymore. I guess I just gotta embrace it, right?

I head down the narrow staircase from my apartment, it's lined with polished wooden wooden panels that I have to balance myself on because the stairs are so steep. At the bottom there's one more door and then I'm out onto the main grand landing of the Wayne mansion. It's immense, beautiful and old as always.

Alfred is halfway up the stairs straightening a large picture frame, he turns as he hears me coming.

"Does Master Bruce know you're going out, Miss Meredith?"

I know he what he really wants to say is 'does he know you're going out like this'.

"Of course, you know it's not even worth me trying to go out without his permission," I reply dryly. I can tell in his face he knows what I wanted to say 'without him permission, even if I'm not dressed like this'.

Alfred gives me a small smile and a nod before turning back to levelling up the picture. He can tell how happy I am to be allowed out. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he's had a word with Bruce, telling him he should give me more freedom, that he's the sole reason I'm allowed out right now.

It was him who suggested that I pretend to Bruce's secretary so I could be seen freely around the house, and him who came up with the idea of converting several rooms in the north wing into a private apartment for me. I'll be forever grateful to him for that.

He knows the baby is the Joker's, the only one apart from Bruce, and he doesn't judge me. And he's the only one who doesn't do that period. I know Bruce doesn't trust me, doesn't quite know where he stands with me. Not that I blame him. But sometimes I feel like Alfred is the only one truly on my side. Dick and Barbara are on my side for now, but I know if they ever find out the truth...

All I can do is pray they never will.


I wear a big trench coat to cover myself on the way to the department but take it off the second I reach the door. It's funny, I feel more vulnerable with it on than with it off.

A few people stop in the front reception stop and look, before quickly turning back to whatever they were doing.

They know about the Aster.

After what happened, Bruce leaked it out to the press I was working for Batman all along, that I was a double agent, the truth as far as he knew.

She was even credited for sending the Joker to Arkham.

But after that she disappeared. Until now. I feel better than I have done in months.

"Commissioner Gordon is expecting me," I say commandingly to the officer at the desk. 

"Sure, ummm, sure," he stammers, hastily reaching for the telephone by his desk, his eyes flashing to and from me like a nervous rabbit. After a second he starts to say something quickly into it, but before he can finish someone puts a hand on my shoulder.

"It's alright, Davis, leave this to me," the world weary voice of the Commissioner announces. I turn around to face him. He's standing alone in a brown suit.

I look around for Bruce but he isn't here. The Commissioner looks surprised to see me, surprised, but not shocked. His eyes travel from my mask to my stomach and back again.

"Batman said he would send someone," he says in a low voice, slowly drawing me aside towards a row of elevators situated across the large modern reception. "Can I just say it's an honor to meet the Aster. You've done a great service to the city."

"Not as much as you have, Commissioner," I smile politely, but the baby is kicking and it's really fucking distracting.

"I'm sorry to have called you out here," he continues as we step into the privacy of the elevator, "but I really don't know what to do about this boy."

Boy? What the hell am I here for?

"Can you explain please?" I try to keep my hopes from plummeting.

The elevator doors slide shut but the Commissioner makes no move to select a floor.

"Last night a boy named Johnny Garner was arrested for cheating at cards at a low down gambling den. His opponents were the ones who called us in." He smirks and shakes his head. "A real first."

"With all due respect, sir," I'm trying so hard not to sigh, "what has this got to do with Batman?"

He smiles, he almost looks pleased with himself. That was the question he wanted me to ask.

"It's how he was accused of cheating that I thought you would be interested in." It's only now he presses the floor button. Basement level two. Detention centre. "He was accused of stealing their card playing skills."

"What?" I don't know how else to respond, I don't need to tell the Commissioner that that sounds like pure bullshit. My stomach flips a little as the elevator starts to drop.

"I had exactly the same reaction you're having now when I heard that. But... when the arresting officer claimed that she felt the energy being drained out of her to the point that she almost fell unconscious, I felt there was something more to this than meets the eye." The doors swing open, but he makes no movement to leave. "Legally, we have nothing to hold him on. But I don't want to let him out. I've seen... some incredible things in my time in the police force. Things that most people wouldn't believe. Powers."

Poison Ivy. I remember seeing her powers that night. I know what he means. I've been reading through Batman's files, some of the stuff written there is almost impossible to believe.

"How do you know he isn't just very good at playing cards?" I ask dryly.

The Commissioner smiles.

"Because he isn't. If you excuse my language, he's crap. As crap as the Sergeant who played against him."

I nod and step out of the elevator.

I can't wait to meet this boy.

The Aster {Book 1 & 2} (Batman/Joker/Robin/Batgirl story)Where stories live. Discover now