1.27. Awake

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I open my eyes.

The room is bright, blindingly bright. But after I blink a few times I can start to make out square, white panels up above. I shut my eyes again, and sense as hard as I can. There's no pain, nothing hurts. I'm just thirsty, thirstier than I've ever been in my whole life.

I'm lying on a hard flat bed, moving my head to the side I realise I'm in a small, official looking room, there's a fire protocol sheet by the door.


I rub my eyes, and realise my hand is tightly bandaged and stinks of disinfectant.

And suddenly I can remember.

I remember the fight, the slash in my hand, Batman holding me...


I jump, look as quickly around to the other side of the bed as I can. Batgirl is sitting watching me, still in full costume.

"Water," I croak out immediately, I couldn't force a please out even if I'd wanted to. She goes over to a water machine in the corner of the small white room and fills up a paper cup.

I gulp it down within seconds and hand it back to her for a refill.

"What happened?" My voice seems to be suddenly working again.

"You were drugged. You've been out for about two hours, the doctors say there shouldn't be any long lasting effects."

"Why?" Shit, I didn't mean for that to come out loud, but it's all I can think of.

She sighs and sits down, handing me back the water.

"We don't know. As soon as you collapsed they ran. Afterwards we found the whole area was rigged with cameras..." she shakes her head. "Someone was watching but we don't know why."

I pull the blanket up into a cocoon around me. I don't understand what's just happened, why the Joker did such an utterly pointless exercise. He didn't hurt me, but in a way that makes me even more uneasy.

"Where's Batman?" I ask, sitting up as much as my head can take. I guess I'm still a little dizzy.

"He and Dick needed to answer the Bat signal, he told me to stay here with you. The doctors have been instructed not to ask any questions."

"Thanks," I shut my eyes and try and let my muscles relax a little.

I can hear Batgirl shift in her seat a little.

"The doctors did find something though," her voice is suddenly softer, almost a little awkward.


"You're pregnant."

My whole body goes numb, I can feel vomit rising up my throat. There must be some mistake, this isn't even possible.

I wave at Barbara to hand me a card sick bowl, quickly. She holds back my hair as I throw up the water I just drank, there's nothing else in my stomach to give.

"There must be a mistake," I cough as she hands me some paper towels to wipe my mouth with.

"They're certain," she says quietly, putting her hand on my arm. "So... do you have a boyfriend?"

I shake my head, desperately trying to hold on, hold onto the tears, my sanity. The vital signs monitor above me starts to beep as my heart rate climbs higher and higher.

"You want a second?" Barbara stands and smiles sympathetically. Oh, I bet she wouldn't be so sympathetic if she knew. If she knew the truth.

I nod and she starts to leave, but just as she reaches the door I grab her arm.

"Does anybody else know?"

"No." She pauses. "I won't tell Batman unless you want me to. But if I don't you'll have to. He has to know."

Why? When did I become his property, why does he have to know? Fuck, what if the Joker knows? What if this is why he did this, brought me here. No, he couldn't possibly know. He couldn't and he can't.

As soon as the door shuts behind Barbara I look wildly around the room for my clothes, I'm hyperventilating.

I've gotta get out of here, I've got to run.

No. Running isn't enough.

I've got to die.

The Aster {Book 1 & 2} (Batman/Joker/Robin/Batgirl story)Where stories live. Discover now