2.17. Into the Firing Squad

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Over the next few days I stay locked in the bedroom. Maybe not literally locked, as far as I know I'm free to run the rest of the penthouse. But it's like I've locked myself. It's the only way I can feel safe.

I don't see the Joker. Sometimes I hear him on the other side of the door, but he never comes into the bedroom after the first night.

A bodyguard leaves meals outside the door twice a day, I never speak to him though.

I don't know what they're waiting for. For me to go crazy probably. For me to twist myself into losing my mind. I guess even if it takes years, he's in no hurry. How many years will it before Evelyn is of use to him? Two? Three? Or is it ever to soon for him to start being indoctrinated to be fucked up?

I'm not gonna let that happen. He's my world.

I don't know exactly how many days it's been. Three, maybe four. And I'm starting to realise I can't stay solitary forever. Evelyn needs diapers, more toys, I've been living in the same shirt since the first night and the towel in the bathroom needs changing. But I can hold of for a few more days. I have to, I don't have the courage to ask anyone for help.

Turns out I don't get the chance.

I've made Evelyn a safe play area out of the bedsheets and pillows in the middle of the bathroom so I can watch him while I make a shower. I'm not going to let him out of my sight, not even for a second, not ever. Unfortunately though, he's not really capable of entertaining himself yet so I've got to make this quick.

By the time I'm out of the shower he's in tears, so drying myself has to wait until.

I pick him up and lift him high up into the air, he likes that. The crying stops and he stares down at me from above, his eyes open wide with surprise and curiosity. I can't wait until he learns how to smile. To laugh. Kind of ironic really.

I freeze. There's a noise out in the bedroom. Someone's in there.

I make a grab for the towel but before I have a chance to cover myself the door opens.

I'm face to face with tattoo man, the man who beat up Dick the night I was taken from the mansion. I cringe away in fear, looking around frenziedly for something to defend myself with. There is nothing.

He shamelessly looks over me.

"Boss wants you and the kid in the meetin' room," he smirks, his eyes fixed on my body. "Look pretty."

He starts to turn away. I grab hold of his arm. As much as I want to turn away I can't, he can't see my scar. I don't want him to. This might be the only chance I get, my only hope. I've got to give it a shot.

"Wait." I try again, forcing a smile onto my lips. "Wait."

"What, lady?" He doesn't sound happy.

"You could help me," I try to keep the innocence in my voice from sounding too forced. It's hard.

"I'd rather have my throat cut than help you," he growls, his lip curling as he yanks himself free from my grip.

I make another grab at him.

"Please! I'll do anything."

He stops. Looks me over again. He knows exactly what I mean.

"You better be careful," he chuckles quietly. "One day I might just take you up on that."

I cry out in frustration and throw a bottle of shampoo at the wall as he slams the barge door behind him. It hits with a less than satisfying thud but it makes me feel better.

Pull yourself together. Right now you've got to do what he said or you'll have to pay.

I feel like I'm getting ready for a firing squad as I dry myself. But I'm not gonna fight. He wants me to go out there looking pretty and I've got to deliver.

I pull on my underwear and the corset. I'm still gonna get back into shape, Joker or no Joker. Hey. Maybe part of the old me is still alive somewhere in there after all.

I don't want to put on that yellow blouse again so I reluctantly head over to one of the many wooden panels in the wall by the bed. I would never have known they were significant if I hadn't spent days in this room with nothing better to do than explore every inch.

It's a hidden, perfectly crafted wardrobe. I hoped when I first found it there would be something useful in it, but there wasn't. At least nothing I wanted near me. Just a rows of the Joker's clothes. Shirts, pants, cufflinks, suits...

I pick out a dark red silk shirt and put it on. It's more like a mini dress on me than a shirt. All I can do is pray he won't be mad for touching his stuff.

I take one last look at myself in the mirror. I look about as good as I'm gonna get.

It's time to face the firing squad.

I scoop up Evelyn and for the first time open the bedroom door.

The sight that greets me makes me freeze in horror.

Every mob heavy hitter of Gotham is sitting around the table. And they're all staring at me.

"Meredith!" The Joker stands from his place at the table head. "Come and join us."

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