2.19. A Visit From Harley

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I like in the bathtub for hours, staring up at the ceiling, letting the hot water seep into my skin. Evelyn falls asleep on my chest.

I don't hear any noises from the table room, no shouting, no more gunshots.

I don't feel dirty, or guilty, or any way I thought I would feel... should feel. The guy who was shot had it coming. His blood isn't on me anymore in any way. Rightly or wrongly.

I just feel so... I feel like I should be running, screaming, doing something. But I can't. I feel like I'm trapped in a tiny, claustrophobic cage.

I slowly get up, drain the bath, put Evelyn into his crib and get another of the Joker's shirts out from the wardrobe, a green one this time. At least I seem to have a pretty much unlimited supply of clothing now.

There's no noise at all from outside the bedroom at all, I can't even hear a guard out there. It's probably another test, one I'm not going to rise to again.

I flop down onto the bed and shut my eyes. The running feeling is still there, I don't know how to let it out. It's driving me nuts.


It was the word nuts wasn't it? Wasn't it?

I throw the bedroom door open come face to face with Harley. She's wearing a black PVC jacket and her hair is up in neat little pigtails. The way she's holding that baseball bat doesn't give the impression that she's pleased to see me.

"I wanna see Mr J," she snaps, impatiently smacking the bat up and down into the palm of her hand.

"He's not here," I reply, standing firmly in the doorway with my arms crossed.

Come on, Meredith. If she's pissed with J this is a perfect opportunity to team up, she could be your ticket out of here.

But that feeling of betrayal is still raw.

"I guess you'll have to do then." I think Harley has that same feeling.

"What is your problem?" I growl, fixing my eyes coldly onto hers. Where are the damn guards when you need them?

"I'll kill anyone who steals me man!" She suddenly screams, taking a swing out with the bat.

I react instantly, ducking out of the way as she smashes into the bedroom door.

"Stealing him?!" I yell, sluding across the table, narrowly avoiding another blow. "I'm a fucking prisoner here!"

"Oh yeah?!" She screams hysterically, her pigtails swinging manically around her head with every movement of the bat.

"Just let me outta here and you'll never see me again, I promise!"

I stumble backwards until I hit the wall. I'm backed right into a corner, literally, shit, this isn't good.

"You and your baby are dead." She grins, tossing down the bat and staring  to reach inside her jacket. I suddenly kick out, caught by surprise she trips over and hits down onto her back.

I jump down on top of her, jamming my knee into her neck and pinning her arms down onto the ground, hard.

"How do you think Puddin' would love you if you killed his son?" I spit down at her, resisting the urge to smash her head into the floor.

I can see tears start to fill her eyes. I kick again while she's down. "I mean, it's not like he gives a shit about your baby does he?" She starts to fight harder but my grip remains strong. I'm almost enjoying this. "Oh wait, he doesn't know does he? Maybe I should tell him, he likes a good joke."

I've pushed her too far. With one almighty wrench, she's kneed me in the stomach and has switched us around, slamming me onto my back and punching where he knee left off.

The pain doesn't register until after I've grabbed her by the pigtails and thrown her off me.

As much as I'd like to stay and kick her whiny little ass, I'm outta shape, I'm hurt, and I can't risk losing this fight. I can't let her get to Evelyn.

I run past her into the bedroom, slamming and locking the door behind me.

Within a second she's hit the door so hard I'm propelled forward into the room. Okay, I'm not sure if this was such a good idea after all, I don't know how many more hits like that the door can take.

I look around wildly for something, anything to barricade the door with, but there isn't anything.

The hitting suddenly stops. I know what's coming next.

I throw myself down onto the floor just as the first gunshot rings out. It's only now Evelyn wakes up crying, wow, I can't believe he slept through that cat fight.

The gunshots keep coming, aiming wildly through the door, I cover my head as splinters of wood and plaster fly everywhere.

Suddenly they stop. I wait a few seconds before gingerly looking up. The door is more intact than I expected, it's peppered with bullet holes but I still can't see through it. I can't see what's happening on the other side.

This could be a trap.

There's a small cry followed a thud. Okay, that doesn't sound right. I'm gonna take a risk.

Shakily I pick myself and unlock the door.

The Joker is standing over Harley, his foot on her back, her bat over his shoulder, her blood spattered on his face.

Is she dead? No, no, she's groaning. She's still alive, just hurt, badly.

Tattoo man is standing behind him, smirking. But not at Harley. At me.

I suddenly realise my shirt is torn, the blood is trickling down my partially exposed breast. I quickly pull the shirt back together and go over to the Joker and stand over Harley with him.

"Your girlfriend has issues," I say dryly, trying to ignore the pain that seems to be suddenly emerging all over my body.

"Hopefully I've knocked a little sense into her," he sighs and tosses the bat to tattoo man. "Break her and drop her off at Arkham to be fixed."

"With pleasure."

Tattoo man grabs Harley by the collar and starts dragging her towards the elevator.

"Oh," the Joker sends him one last glance, "send someone to clean up in here will you?"

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