1.16. Ivy and I

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The next night I head by rooftop to Gotham city museum. It's physically exhausting but I need the practice.

I'm surprised Mom hasn't noticed that I've been out so many nights. I mean, even if she hasn't noticed that I'm gone, she hasn't questioned the fact my door is locked every night.

Ugh. Whatever. I can't worry about that now. The museum is right over there and it looks like someone is already waiting for me.

Poison Ivy is leaning lazily against a ventilation shaft. Her skin is white, more white than the Joker's, her lips, black. She's wearing a tight dark green dress that doesn't leave much to the imagination. At least I can pretty safely assume she isn't carrying any concealed weapons. Physically, she doesn't look very dangerous, but if her resting bitch face is anything to go by, I don't wanna get on her wrong side.

Not that I have much of a choice in the matter.

As I land on the roof she raises her left eyebrow and glares down at me.

"The Joker sent me," I pant, winding up my weighted rope, keeping my eyes on her constantly. Come on. If she sees I'm nervous it could blow the whole thing. Keep it cool Meredith.

"Obviously," she drawls in a voice that sounds like it belongs in an old movie. "You're late."

Okay. This isn't getting off to a good start.

"The Bat signal was on. I didn't want to run into anyone unexpected."

She rolls her eyes.

"Sweetheart, as long as Batman isn't coming after us it's a bonus that he's distracted."

She has a point. Well, at least she would have if I hadn't been the one to turn on the Bat signal, leaving a note to bring him here.

I shrug and head over to the large glass skylight which looks down into the darkened museum gallery.

"Shall you do the honours or shall I?" I ask dryly.

"I think I better had, I can break into this place blindfolded."

Yeah, I hoped she would say something like that.

I watch curiously as she steps over to the glass, thoughtlessly tosses a green leaf onto the concrete beside the sixth pane along.

"There's a blind spot in the security motion sensors between the fifth and seven panes," she says in a voice that compares unfavourably to one my least favourite teacher would use.

Suddenly the green leaf bursts open and thick green vines start to crawl out. Instinctively I stumble backwards, I'm trying so hard not to panic but this just isn't right, it isn't real. It can't be...

Poison Ivy smirks at my obvious fear as the vines start to entwine themselves, reaching downwards into the gallery like a sort of rope.

"After you, flower girl," she waves down at the hole in the glass.

"Uh uh," I shake my head, still in shock.

"Suit yourself." With that she disappears down down through the broken glass into the darkness.

I take a step nearer and size up the vine. It almost looks alive, in a human way, twitching and breathing.

Gingerly I start to climb down, it's stronger than it looks.

"Take your time, why don't you," Ivy hisses as I hit the Lino floor inside.

"Sorry," I respond in the least convincing tone of voice possible.

Pressed against the wall we start to tiptoe towards the main staircase. I've only been here once before, ninth grade with school. I don't remember much of the museum, my dominating memories of that day are making out with Ryan Hutton in the gift shop. God, how things have changed.

"So, how long have you been working for the psychotic clown?" Ivy asks, motioning for me to copy her movements as she ducks under a red security beam.

"Long enough," I reply flatly.

"Makes sense," she throws me a look.

"Oh?" In the distance I hear a faint noise and my hand instantly flies to my gun. Ivy doesn't seem to react, her movements remain fluid and confident.

"Sure, since poor Harl has been locked up in Arkham I expect he's been missing the female touch."

I consciously decide not to respond to that. I really don't want to go down this road.

We reach the main staircase where a large map of the museum is displayed on a gold stand, along with a large poster for a new display on ancient Russian royal jewellery. That's where I need to go.

"Where are you headed?" I ask, though I already know.

"The museum lab," the points at a door a little way down the staircase marked 'Authorised Staff Only'.

"I'll meet you back here in ten," I wave theatrically before strolling of down a dimly lit corridor towards the postered exhibition. Shit, I really have been spending too much time with the Joker.


Sorry this chapter ends kind of abruptly! I'm kinda sick (ugh) but I really wanted to update today. Hopefully part 2 of this chapter will be up later but no promises!

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