2.2. The Boy

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The prison corridor is long and dark, with grey stone walls and bared cells. It doesn't look like it's been at all modernised.

The Commissioner points to a cell further down on to left. I take a few steps forward and look in.

A boy of about my age is lying on his back on the floor staring at the ceiling. Looking kinda bored. He has dark ash blonde hair in desperate need of a cut and is wearing a World War Two style bomber jacket on over a battered Blondie t-shirt.

"Have you brought me somebody sane?" He calls out, keeping his eyes fixed upwards.

"Don't insult the lady," Gordon replies dryly, stopping just in front of the cell.

The boy jumps up and shakes his head, but I can tell he's having a hard time keeping a smirk off his face.

"You gotta believe me, everyone here is crazy! I mean stealing someone's card playing powers? Wow!"

His smile is ever so slightly infectious, I have to resist letting it from spreading onto my lips.

"I take it you're new in town," I say flatly.

"Yeah, and I wouldn't be here if I knew everyone was nuts!"

He's not even trying to pretend this isn't an act. Or maybe he's just a terrible actor. Actually, no, he's definitely an overconfident little bastard.

"The old I'm the only sane one in a whole city of crazies line is a bit overdone don't you think?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

He puts his hands on the bars, his expression is almost one of surprise.

"Don't tell me you believe all this stuff about," he lowers his voice to almost a whisper, "powers?"

I have to stop myself from rolling my eyes, more for the Commissioner's benefit than for his.

"You mind if I talk to him for a minute, Commissioner?"

"Yes of course," he hands me the cell key before turning away and walking a few steps back up the corridor. I guess he's worried about leaving me alone with this boy.

I unlock the cell door and indicate to the boy to turn, put his hands against the wall.

"Take a seat."

"Thanks," I reply sarcastically, glancing down at the narrow wooden bunk attached at the wall. Okay, I actually do really want to sit down. My back is aching and the baby is refusing to keep still.But it's hardly going to do much making me look tough. Oh, what the hell.

I sit down.

"I didn't know superheroes could get pregnant," he turns around to face me, his body language relaxed and his attitude sloppy. It makes me feel more at ease.

I don't know which part of that statement bothers me the most - the fact that he thinks that I'm a superhero or that he thinks they can't get pregnant.

"Met a lot of superheroes then?" I ask.

"Maybe," he tilts his head to one side curiously, I think he's sizing me up. Seeing if he can get past me to escape? No, he's being too obtrusive for that.

"Look, John -"


"-Johnny," whatever, "the police don't have any evidence against you, they're letting you go. I'm not here to fix you up. I'm here to help you not to end up back here again."

He pauses, he's not sizing me up anymore, he's sizing up his options.

"I'm listening," he says at last.

I smile.

"Good. You're new here in this city, right?"


"You don't want to end up on the wrong side of the law in Gotham. Believe me."

He crosses his arms petulantly.

"Because of this Batman guy?"

"Because of the criminals here. Before you know it you'll be caught up with organised crime and your life will belong to someone -  someone like the Joker." I can't help faltering, and embarrassed I look away. Pull yourself together.

"Everyone is making me so welcome here," he sighs, picking out dirt from under his nails. I think he's deliberately ignoring my discomfort.

"So, do you have any family?" I ask cautiously, doing my best to not sound like I'm prying.

He shrugs.

"Nope. I have a Mom out in Metropolis, but let's just say her new boyfriend doesn't appreciate my sense of humor. So now all I have is the clothes on my back and fifty dollars the warden here quickly confiscated."

He reminds me of myself. Okay, I'm not an obvious pain in the ass like him but I can empathise with how he must be feeling. The loneliness of knowing you're not wanted.

"But you have something else...  right?" I catch his eye.  He knows this is a test.

He grins and steps over to my side of the cell, I tense up defensively as he comes and sits down next to me.

I glance up at him questioningly as waves his fingers at me, like a magician about to do trick, before softly touching them against my arm just for a second.

At first I don't notice it, but after a few seconds it's definitely noticeable. The Commissioner's words are the only way to describe it. Drained, I feel the energy being drained out of me, like me body is falling asleep but my mind is perfectly conscious. No, my mind is clouding now.

"Woah!" Johnny's arms fly out and catch me as I begin to slump forwards off the bunk.

And suddenly, like a flip of a switch, I'm alive again, awake and alert like nothing ever happened.

"You certainly don't have much energy," he grins as I try to process what just happened.

"You weren't even touching me," I half gulp, half ask, involuntary shaking my head in amazement.

"All it takes is one lil touch," I can tell he's amused by my surprise.

"Could you kill someone?" I feel like it's a question that has to be asked.

He shakes his head.

"Nah, I wouldn't be able to handle that much power. I can steal, well, borrow, specific skills too. Darts, tennis, computer programming..."

"Card playing?" I raise one eyebrow.

He grins. Touché.

"In Metropolis they called me the Scrounger."

"Famous were you?"

"Not as famous as I'd like to be." My expression of disapproval must be more obvious than I mean it to be because he quickly laughs and shakes his head. "Just kidding. Life is so much easier when you're staying in the shadows."

"Do you have anywhere to stay?" I ask suddenly.

"Only if they give me that fifty bucks back."

I sigh. Bruce is gonna kill me. But I don't care. Though I know I'm gonna end up regretting this.

"I have somewhere you could stay."

The Aster {Book 1 & 2} (Batman/Joker/Robin/Batgirl story)Where stories live. Discover now