1.7. Joker

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Okay. You can deal with this.

"What do you want from me?" I choke with as much dignity as I can through the stomach acid.

The tip of the black shoe gently presses under my chin and lifts my head until we're making eye contact. He has grey eyes. And they're not eyes I want to look into. But this is a challenge, I know it is.

"Oh, I think you know what I want," he says lightly.


He throws his head back and laughs. It's not even a laugh. It's a slow, hideous cackle. I don't want to be scared, I really don't. I know I should be, and I am. I really am scared.

The Joker reaches behind him and brings Batgirl's mask up to his face and waves it around, pulling a stupid face. Just like I did in front of her.

"How'd you know about that?" My voice cracks nervously.

"Oh, I have spies everywhere," he tosses the mask aside and waves his arms around to exaggerate 'everywhere'.

I carefully sit up and glance around the room while I have the chance. It seems to be an empty warehouse, at least the space where I've been lying. Far behind the Joker are some wooden crates but that seems to be about the only thing in here apart from us and the overly bright overhead lightbulb.

"Obviously not everywhere. Otherwise I wouldn't be alive." Shit. That sounded more confident than I intended it to.

Within a split second he's in my face, so close I can feel his breath on my face. His hand comes out and his fingers comb through my hair, starting at my and running through the ends just below my breast.

"You have the most... beautiful hair."

Where his fingers touched my body burn like he left a trail of acid down me. I want to push him away but right now I don't think that will improve the situation. I catch his eye. Does he recognise me?

"You want Batgirl? Fine. But I want more than her. And so do you."

The Joker takes a step back, thank fuck, and opens his eyes wide, mock inquisitively.

"Oh? And what would that be?"


I start to edge away from the pool of vomit. It's throwing me off everything I say.

The Joker suddenly jumps down and sits cross legged opposite me, stopping me in my tracks. I can see the gold handle of a gun held in the top of his pants. Shit, it made me jump out of my skin and he saw.

This is the man who saved my life. Right now I'm finding it hard to believe... or I would be if I didn't know it's true.

"So.." he rests his chin in his palms, his elbows leading on his crosses knees. "Why shouldn't I kill you?"

"Because you'll never find Batgirl. And this road to Batman will be abruptly closed."

A large, frightening smile spreads across his red lips.

"I can just tell we're going to be best friends already." Suddenly his hand is around my throat and I'm struggling to breathe. Fuck I wasn't expecting that. "Now where's Batgirl?"

Not being able to breathe is making my head feel like it's going to explode.

"I've got a better idea," I splutter as intelligently as I can.

His grip vanishes.


I lift up a strand of my hair. At first his face is blank but his expression suddenly changes when he understands.

"After all," I say as lightly as physically possible, "you can't expect me to give away all my secrets. And this way if anything goes wrong we'll still have the bitch."

Slowly he stands and turns away. He doesn't look happy.

Anxiety floods me but but I still have to force on last question out.

"So... do we have a deal?"


Thank you so much for reading this far!!! Please like and pleasseeee leave a comment, it means an awful lot to me :)

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