2.6. Harley's Secrets

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"Hey, what ya looking so scared for? I'm just sayin' hi!" The enthusiasm in her voice sounds forced, it puts me even more on my guard than I already am.

She has a black eye and the curls in her hair look several days old.

"Hi," I reply flatly.

Her face falls and I tense as her eyes drop down onto my stomach.

"Wouldn't you look at that ," she says softly. "You know if it's a boy or a girl?"

"It's a boy." I glance behind me, praying Johnny is going to come up the stairs. There's no sign of him. Oh, please, please don't let the Joker be with her.

"You know," she says suddenly, "My puddin' is so mad at me for letting you and Batsy escape."

"I... I'm sorry." What else can I fucking say?

"He's so funny," she shakes her head, her smile becoming more and more half hearted. "After I broke him outta Arkham he was still so mad, he said he never wanted to see me again."

Her fingers brush involuntarily up to her swollen and discoloured eye. I feel a sudden pang of sympathy, I don't really know why but I do. Her black and red sequin dress is torn at the shoulder, underneath I can see her white skin is badly bruised.

"Are you gonna be okay?" I ask cautiously. I can feel us being eyed up from all directions.

She shakes her head, grinning half heartedly. Like a total loon.

"I just don't know what to do with myself when Mr J is mad at me."

I reach out and put a hand on her shoulder. I don't know what the hell I'm doing but it's gotta be better than this.

"Come on. Let's get out of here."


The second I unlock the door Harley squeals and rushes into the hallway.

I wait a minute, the tips on my shoes pressing against the threshold. It's been so many months... I don't know if I can do this.

No. Pull yourself together. There's no ghosts here for you now. This place is dead and so are the memories. As dead as the family that once lived here.

I step inside.

Harley is grinning from ear to ear, gazing around the living room like it's the most amazing thing she's ever seen.

"It's all so - normal!" She exclaims. "I haven't been in a normal house like this for years!"

"Yeah," I mutter, shivering. The furniture is covered up by clear plastic, the house feels cold and empty, even though nothing's been moved.

"Hey, is this your family?" She picks up a framed picture from the mantelpiece. I can see her eyes studying their faces, taking in every detail. "A Mom, a Dad... you and a sister."

"They're all dead now, apart from my Dad. Though he may as well be."

"And you," she adds, putting the picture back onto the mantelpiece upside down. "You're still alive."

I smile and nod.

"God," she flops down onto the covered couch sending a wave of dust into the air. "You have the perfect house and the perfect family, even if they are dead, and you have a bouncing little baby boy on the way."

"You have the Joker," I reply tentatively, because I honestly don't know what else she has.

"That's right. I have my puddin'," she beams for a second before her face falls again. "Sure, he gets a little mad sometimes, but he does love me, just as much as I love him."

"I'm sure he does," I smile back as sincerely as I can. "You... uhhh... want a drink?"


I turn around and walk quickly into the kitchen, drinks cabinet, drinks cabinet...

My God, what are you doing?

I pull out a bottle of bourbon and pour it into the closet thing I can find, a red and white Roger Rabbit mug which was lying face down on the dryer.

"Bourbon! My favourite!" Harley's voice almost makes me drop the mug but I catch myself in time.

"Here," I hand her the drink.

"You shouldn't have alcohol you know," her tone echoes as she puts the cup to her lips. "When you're pregnant."

"I wasn't going to." I lift myself up onto the counter and nervously realise that the wooden knife block is right next to Harley. Oh, crap. She sees where I'm looking and an evil grin spreads across her lips.

"Are you afraid of me?" She giggles, setting down the mug and hovering her hand over the half dozen knife handles.

"Should I be?" Somehow I manage to keep my voice flat, but my throat feels like I've just swallowed a ton of sand.

She traces her fingertips over the the wooden handle and looks me straight in the eye.

"Is the baby Mr J's?"

I try so hard to keep my breathing regular but I can't. I honestly don't know if there's a right or wrong answer.


Her hand moves away from the knives and takes hold of Roger Rabbit's arm again. I can see her fingers are twitching nervously.

"You know, I had a baby once," she says quietly. "But she was a girl. I called her Lucy."

I freeze, my stomach does a lurch. Harley Quinn... has a child?

"What happened to her?" I ask gently, I know I'm really treading on eggshells here but curiosity is getting the better of me.

"She lives with my sister. I figured Mr J wouldn't want... wasn't ready for a family."

"He never knew?"

She shakes her head before suddenly reaching out and patting her hand against my bump.

"I guess they'll be half brother and sister."

I don't know how to respond to that so I don't.
I need something to do, I feel so uncomfortable. I grab the liquor bottle, realise I can't drink it and awkwardly put it down again, inwardly swearing at myself.

"I need to go," I mutter, easing myself off the counter. "You can stay here if you want. There's plenty of clothes and stuff upstairs, you can sleep in any of the rooms you like."

As I pass her she suddenly grabs me, I'm on the verge of hitting out at her when I realise she's hugging me.

"I just love my friends so much!"

I clear my throat and awkwardly hug her back.

"Harley... you won't mention any of this to Mr J will you?"

"Of course not! I wouldn't want him to torture ya."

Yeah, that didn't make me feel much better, but it'll have to do. I watch my back as I leave but I don't need to - Harley's too busy squealing about something, I think she's discovered the Sky box is still working.

The next question is... do I tell Bruce that I have Harley Quinn camping out in my old house?



I know this chapter needs a little editing but I spent two soliddddd days writing it 😱 let me know what you think of in the comments, I hope I did Harley justice!

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