1.29. The Torture

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They bundle me into the back of a van, it isn't in motion for very long, maybe three minutes. I don't try to fight. There's no point.

Almost before its even fully stopped moving they grab me by my armpits and drag me out, my knees dragging along the rough asphalt. My jeans don't last a second, I have to bite my lip to stop crying out as bits of gravel engrain themselves into my skin.

I hear a set of doors flap open and now my knees are rubbing against a carpet. It's almost worse against the now red and raw skin on my legs.

Suddenly they pull me up and throw me down onto some sort of chair, instantly someone starts cable tying my wrists and ankles so tight it brings tears to my eyes.

And that's when they pull the bag off my head.

I'm in a theatre, it looks abandoned, there's rows and rows of empty decomposing red velvet seats. Standing on the front row in the centre seat is the Joker, his legs crossed casually, he looks relaxed.

For a second relief instinctively waves over me. But then I remember. I remember the gunshot. The blood. Mom.

"Why are you doing this?" I gulp out, it's all I can think of to say.

"Ohhh it's nothing personal," he nimbly jumps from the seat up onto the stage, his purple shirt almost turning neon in the spotlight. "We're expecting guests and you're not even ready yet."

He clicks his fingers and two of the heavies come over. They've got flick knives in their hands. Fuck. I brace myself as they get closer, the knifes come onto me but I don't feel any pain.

They're cutting off my clothes. That's what they're doing. Oh God. This scares me more than anything.

"I thought we were working together!" I cry out as they tear off my sweater, leaving me incredibly vulnerable in nothing but my bra and underwear.

"Oh we are," he bends over me and starts stroking his hand softly down my hair. Just like the first day we met. "I couldn't do this without you."

Suddenly his hand flies out and hits me across the face, instantly blood comes out of my nose and pours down into my mouth.

"Did you see the performance he gave when my men drugged you? It was extraordinary!" His eyes lock with mine. "There's something between you two and I want to find out exactly what it is."

"There's nothing between us!"I yell, looking away, my eyes streaming, the whole side of my face throbbing. "I hate him, I told you!"

"You know, I don't like people lying to me," he growls, waving his hand at one of his men who hands him a small, dirty looking knife. My breathing gets faster and faster, the panic taking me over.

"I'm not lying!" I force myself to persist.

"She isn't lying."

The Joker spins around. Batman is silhouetted against the theatre's doorway, his cape flickering in the wind.

"Look who it is!" The Joker laughs, opening his arms wide as if in welcome.

Oh God. I don't know if this isn't going to help the situation or make it much, much worse. I'm terrified it's going to be the latter, it can't get any worse.

"Let her go Joker." Batman remains steadfast in the doorway.

"Now why should I do that?" The Joker turns back to me, lifting the knife up to my face. "Look what she can make you do."

In a second the knife slashes downwards, I don't even have time to know what's happening. Almost instantly Batman is across the room and is at the Joker's throat but within a second I feel three different gun barrels pressed around my head.

My cheek feels like it's on fire, I can feel hot, sticky blood flowing down my face down my neck, my chest.

The Joker grins and nods towards me, a small trickle of blood appearing from the corner of his mouth. Batman looks. He can see the guns. He clenches his fists but lets go of his grip on the Joker, stepping backwards to the edge of the stage.

"Don't hurt her," he says, I can tell he's trying to keep careful control of his voice.

"Why?!" The Joker exclaims in exhaustion.

There's a pause.

"She's innocent."

"Wrong answer."

The Joker steps behind me, I can feel his shirt brushing against the back of my head. Oh God, I don't know what's coming but I know it isn't good.

"No!" Batman roars, three bodyguards straining to hold him back.

Without warning searing pain destroys my lower back. I throw my head back and I think I scream but I don't know, all I know is the pain, the almost unreal pain.

I don't know what he's doing, if he's cutting of burning or both, it feels like both. At this moment I want him to kill me, anything to stop this pain, anything, anything--

"Tell me what she means to you!" The Joker bellows, I don't know if Batman can even hear me over the screaming.

I'm pregnant. This can't be happening. It can't be, it's not real. It can't be, that's it, this all just pretend, a game...

The pain intensifies, it feels like he's skinning me, putting a burning hot knife into me down to the bone.


I can see just about Batman through the tears, I can see his face, twisted with pain, horror, fear. There's a pause, his mouth is open as if to say something but it's like he can't get it out.

"She's my daughter," he says finally.

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