2.13. A Visit

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"The Bat signal's just turned off," Johnny comments quietly, staring out of the window down at the city. The thousands of flickering lights in the darkness are reflecting off the glass onto his face.

"They're on the way to kick some ass as we speak then," I sigh, slumping down onto the couch, the springs creaking under my weight. There's unclaimed mug of cold hot chocolate on the side which I take a long drink from. It's not actually that bad.

It's funny, these three days of being a mother have been the toughest of my life, but I don't feel tired at all. I've never felt more alive.

Hell, I'm probably just running off adrenaline. I expect in a few days I'll crash.

"Evelyn asleep then?" Johnny asks distractedly, turning around and running his hands through his hair. One of his nervous ticks.

"Yep, though you could probably quite safely hold your breath for as long as it'll last."

"Christ I'm bored," he rolls his eyes, picking up a coke can and tosses it in the general direction of the trash can. He's like a terrier that's not been taken out for it's daily walk.

"Then why don't you go out? Get into some trouble," I wink. No ulterior motives. At least as far as he can know.

"You're okay with being left on your own?" He asks, his voice surprised.

"I'll be fine," I smile. "I want some time alone anyway. I won't tell Bruce."

Although he's trying to hide it, I can see his face is lighting up.


He jumps up, grabs his bomber jacket and is at the door within three seconds. God he must be sick of my company. Not that I'm complaining.

"Sure you're gonna be okay?"

"You sexist bastard. I'll be fine. Just don't do anything too illegal okay?"

"And if I do, I will not get caught," he waves cheerful as he swings out of the door.

I wait for the sound his footsteps to fade away down the staircase before I slowly reach into my pocket and pull out my mobile. I feel nervous, why do I feel nervous?

Bats are all out flying. Come over?

As soon as the text is sent I head into the bedroom and start to get undressed. May as well get into my nightgown, it's almost midnight.

I pull off my dress and wince.

Goddammit, this corset thing is tight. But it's said to be great for getting your stomach back into shape so I'm gonna keep it on 24/7 until I'm damn well flat again. I don't care how much of a basic bitch that makes me.

"Hey, Meredith!"


I scrabble around desperately for my nightgown and pull it on as I run over and pull the curtains aside.

"Dick! Haven't you heard of using the door?" I hiss, sliding open the window and holding out my hand to help him climb in.

"This way's much more fun," he grins as he swings himself into the room easily, bits of ivy from his route up here still clinging to his shirt come in with him.

"Keep your voice down, you'll wake up the baby," I warn, stepping backwards and slumping down onto the bed.

I close my eyes for a second, I can feel the mattress rising as Dick comes and sits beside me.

"So why did you call me here at this merry hour?" He asks, picking off the leaves from his shirt and flicking them onto the floor.

"I was kinda worried that you were avoiding me," I shrug awkwardly. I guess being honest is probably my best option here.

"Why would I be avoiding you?"

"Because I'm such a flirt."

"Who said that was a problem?"

I catch his eye. I think he only just realises what he's said.

"Isn't it?" My voice is dry, it cracks as I speak.

"Why did you have sex with the Joker?"

His question takes me aback, I look away, I can feel my face reddening. Oh, shit, what do I say to this?

"I... I was alone. At the time I thought I was scared but I wasn't. I was angry.... It was the only way I could think of to lash out." I look back at him. "Will you ever forgive me?"

He lies down on his side to face me, his hand gently touches me cheek.

"You're lucky I'm not the type to bear grudges," he whispers, the corners of his mouth twitching up into a small smile.

And that's when our lips come together again, and they stay together.

I pull him closer until his body is pressing onto mine.

His kisses become stronger and stronger until his tongue is tracing over my lower lip, asking for entry.

But suddenly he stops, pulls away.

"What is it?" I ask, taking a moment to desperately catch my breath.

"I thought I heard something," he says softly, his brow furrowing as he glances around the room.

"The baby?"

"No, I thought I heard -"

Before he finishes his sentence the door bursts open.

Three men in black coats rush in, their guns are aimed right at us.

The Aster {Book 1 & 2} (Batman/Joker/Robin/Batgirl story)Where stories live. Discover now