1.23. Harley

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"Harley Quinn, meet the Aster, my favourite traitor."

I take a deep breath and wait for the gunshot to come.

"Puddin' what's she doing here?" Harley's voice is shaky, unstable. Like how she looks. She's wearing a tattered prison uniform top, and not a lot else, her body is covered with scratches and bruises and her long blonde hair is lying in wet straggles down her back.

I thought she was locked safely away in Arkham?

"Oh we were just here to talk over a little business," the Joker says about as innocently as I feel. Now she's back does he want to get me killed? Is that actually what he's trying to do?


"Oh, don't worry," the Joker suddenly grins, "we fucked last night so there's really nothing to worry about."

In a second Harley has grabbed me and I can feel the cold barrel of the gun pressed against my temple. Oh God, is this really how my life is going to end?

You know, in a way it's funny. When I was caught kissing another girl's boyfriend in fifth grade she said one day all the jilted girlfriends of the boys I stole would come back and get me. Maybe I should say that out loud, it's the kind of humour they'd both probably appreciate.

I watch as the Joker slowly steps forward and holds out his hand.

"Now Harley, give me the gun, there's a good girl."

I can feel her grip around me tense.

"I'll kill anyone who screws with my guy," she snarls through gritted teeth.

"And I'll kill anyone who lays a finger on my weapon against Batman," he snarls, his expression suddenly changing.

I screw my eyes up in fear. I know there's no point fighting, it will only make things worse. One tiny movement of that shaking hand and my head will be blown off.

Suddenly she pushes me away, instinctively I duck my head as I stumble away. Now the gun is pointing at the Joker. I just stand and stare.

"Well done Harley," the Joker purrs, his lip curled. "Now give me the gun."

After a second she reluctantly starts to lower the gun, but before she has a chance to finish, in one swift movement he jumps forwards and grabs the gun out of her hand before smacking her around the face with it.

I can't help wincing as she reels backwards out of the doorway, the Joker slams it behind her, I'm pretty sure hitting her head as he does so.

I just stand, my eyes open wide in shock. I'm only just managing to process what's just happened.

I catch the Joker's eye and without warning he bows theatrically, grinning from ear to ear.

"I think it's about time I leave," I force myself to smile before stumbling out of the hotel room's door.

I can hear the Joker laughing as I run blindly down the hallway until I reach the elevator and begin punching the call button. Come on, come on. I want to get out of here. I don't like this, it's all going too crazy.

I stop and listen. There's noises coming from the stairwell, someone crying. Harley?

I know I shouldn't go and look, I really do. But curiosity is driving me forward, hell, I don't even know what I'm curious about.

She's sitting on the first step kind of slumped over but straightens up when she hears me coming up behind her.

"Hey doll," she half smiles, half cries. I tense up, I don't trust this girl who just had a gun to my head who now is talking to me like I'm a old friend.

"Hey," I reply cautiously.

"Honestly, come and sit down!" She pats the step next to her. Well, here goes.

She shifts over a little as I sit down gingerly next to her. The whole staircase stinks of chlorine, but at least it's been cleaned.

"Look, I'm really sorry," I say softly.

"Nah, it's okay," she smiles, wiping away any remaining tears clinging to her face. "Mr J just needs time to calm down, he didn't expect to see me so soon!"

Did she just forget what he said, that she was going to kill me, that he hit her and threw her out?

"How...how did you get outta Arkham?"

"My best pal Red helped me," she grins like a naughty child who's just told me about how she managed to steal cookies.


"She also goes by the name of Poison Ivy."


"Your know," she continues suddenly, "I just love my Puddin' so much but... " a new set of tears start rolling down her cheeks, "sometimes I get this awful feeling he doesn't feel the same way."

Instinctively I reach out and put my arm around her shoulder. I don't know what to say. I've had many girlfriends come to me over the years crying over their shithead boyfriends, I've never been short of words then. But never before have I had sex with any of those boyfriends, have both parties been total psychopathic nut jobs. What am I meant to say? Slag off the Joker and get Harley on side?

"I'm sure he does," I give her shoulder a little squeeze, it goes against everything inside me to say those words.

"You know," I jump as she suddenly stands, and starts to beam down at me, "you've made me feel so much better!"

"You're welcome," I mutter under my breath as she skips down the hallway back towards the Joker's room.

The Aster {Book 1 & 2} (Batman/Joker/Robin/Batgirl story)Where stories live. Discover now