1.20. Cops

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By the time I get home twilight is just setting in. How ironic. Normally I'm leaving home around this time.

I stop. Parked outside is a police car.

Mom? He better not have hurt her.

I rush in through the front door and freeze. Mom is standing in the hallway, she looks worried, there's tears in her eyes. A cop standing either side of her. And they're all looking at me. I feel like someone has just punched me in the stomach. This isn't good.

"Meredith, this is Officer Hamilton..."she starts. "Your father... your father is hurt."

Officer Hamilton steps forward.

"Meredith Essex, you're being arrested on the charge of assault. You have the right to remain silent, you have the right..."

I don't hear the rest. I just stand there in the doorway, blank. How is this even happening? How could he do this, how could she let it happen?

I don't snap out of it until the second cop comes over and grabs my wrists, starts to cuff me. I try to fight it but I don't stand a chance against him.

"Mom! You saw what happened! He hit me first!"

Despite myself tears start to well up inside my eyes as they start pushing me out of the door. Why is this happening? I don't understand, I don't understand why I'm the one being arrested here.

They push my head down as I get into the police car, the tears spill over onto my cheek and drop onto the black leather seat.

I should never have come back. I should have ditched Meredith and become the Aster full time. Stayed with the Joker.

The Joker. The hairs on the back on my neck start to stand up just thinking about him. It's one thing to screw your boss, another thing when he's a murdering psychopath.

Who saved your life. Don't ever forget that.

My God, what have you done? How could you screw up everything in one day?


"Meredith. Justine. Essex."

"Turn and face the camera Miss Essex."

I hold up the board and wince as the camera on the tripod flashes and clicks.

"Now turn to the right please."

When they're done taking the pictures they lead me to a small, glass walled room lined with blue cushioned chairs. Mom is sitting waiting for me, her leg twitching nervously.


She rushes over and hugs me. I can smell her musky perfume on her black jacket.

"Mom, what's going on? Why is Dad doing this to me?" I ask, trying not to let my voice tremble. I'm not scared, I'm angry, I'm really angry. But I know being angry won't go down well in here so scared will have to do.

"When your father fell... they think he's broken his hip. But I saw what happened and everyone knows it was self defence, we just need to prove it."

"Obviously not everyone."

She sighs, rubs her eyes unthinkingly leaving smudges of mascara on her palms.

"I'll speak to him, tell him he has to drop the charges against you."

"Mom he's not gonna drop charges!" I shake my head in disbelief. "I can't believe it. Even now you still can't see him for what he is."

She doesn't reply and I turn away from her, still shaking my head. I feel like I'm going insane. Or maybe I'm the only sane one, I'm begging to wonder.

We both jump as someone knocks on the glass door. I look up and my heart stinks.

"Bruce!" Mom jumps up and smiles, pulling the door open to let him in.

"What are you doing here?" I ask dryly, looking away and staring icily at the floor.

Out of the corner of my eye I see him smile a little.

"Commissioner Gordon says you're free to go."

"What?!" Mom screeches. "Bruce, how did you manage that?"

"I didn't do anything, he just told me to tell you that someone came forward and that you're free to go."

I breathe a sigh of relief. Or rather two. My first reaction is at least I won't be forever indebted to Dick Grayson's father. I don't like him. He's looking at me in a strange way, a way I don't like. Kind of curious. He doesn't think I notice but I do.

But how did I get off? Dad would rather die than let me get away with this. The Joker? Of course not, he doesn't know who your identity.

"Oh, and someone left this for you at the desk."

He hands me a letter, catching my eye as I take it from him. I quickly look away, rip open the plain white envelope.

The note is handwritten in block capitals on thick, expensive paper.

The docks. 3 a.m.

At the bottom is an inked bat logo.

I guess my release won't be without consequences then.

The Aster {Book 1 & 2} (Batman/Joker/Robin/Batgirl story)Where stories live. Discover now