2.3. Caught, Twice

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"Wow, you really live in this place?" It's Johnny's turn to be amazed as I unlock my apartment door.

"For my day job I work as Bruce Wayne's secretary," I keep my voice low, hoping he'll catch the hint. I don't really want to be caught doing this, at least not now. I'll find a way to break this to Bruce later, but for now he has to keep his voice down.

Or maybe not. As we step into the living room I see Dick is sitting casually on the couch, idly flicking through one of my magazines. Shit.

"Oh, Meredith," he awkwardly folds the magazine and stands, "I'm sorry, I didn't realise you had... uhhh... a guest."

"It's alright," I smile through gritted teeth. Keep it professional. This is meant to be your employer's son. "What was it you wanted?"

"Oh, I just wanted to drop in and say hi," he's trying to cover up the disappointment in his voice. I guess things must not be going so great with Barbara. The only times he's ever down is when they've had a fight.

It's tough, Dick has become like the brother I never had, but Barbara is my friend too. There's so much chemistry between them, but it nothing ever seems to be quite right between them.

He starts to walk over to the door, throwing an unmasked dirty look Johnny.

"I'll leave you two together."

I swear inwardly as he shuts the door behind him. He'll tell Bruce I have a boy with me and Bruce will put two and two together. I know I'm in for it tomorrow. Revealing my identity to a criminal, and what's more a criminal with powers?

"Who was that?" Johnny asks, picking up a lone chocolate from the coffee table and stuffing it into his mouth.

"Mr Wayne's son," I say vaguely, flopping down onto the couch and groaning.

"Tut-tut. Is the baby his?"

Well, that was a leap.

"Christ no. He's just a friend," I sigh and sit up. "This will be your bedroom. I'd appreciate if you stayed in the apartment while I take a bath."

"Meredith Essex."


"It's what it says on here," he waves a letter from my doctor at me. Well, there goes my identity.

"Yeah, right," I mutter, continuing to ease myself off the sofa.

"Can you cook?" He asks, reaching out his hand and giving me a lift up.

"Yes, why?"

"You can't anymore," he grins.


I close my eyes and let myself sink into the warm water. Recently the best moments of my existence has been this - lying back in a hot bath, surrounded by bubbles, the feeling of weightlessness reliving my body for just a few minutes.

I can hear Johnny clattering around in the kitchen, it's setting my mind at ease. At least he's not getting into trouble somewhere else in the mansion.

I think the baby's asleep. He likes the water too. The warmth.

He. The Joker's son.

I let out a long, calming breath. At least it was meant to be calming.

What will he be like? Will he be crazy too, a psychopath? Bruce says that he's sure that the Joker wasn't born insane, that something happened to him, something that made him like he is now. That it isn't genetic. All I can do is pray he's right.

The peace is suddenly shattered by my mobile buzzing. Fuck it. I roll over and reach over to the sink to grab it, water and bubbles going everywhere in the process.

A text from Bruce flashes up on the screen after I punch in the password. I guess the mansion is so big he can't even knock on my door, though I'm not complaining.

'Batcave, five minutes. This is serious.'

Oh, shit. Five minutes? You've got to be kidding me.

I get out of the bath, spilling a bucket's worth of water onto the floor before I can grab a towel. I rub myself down quickly and open the door to let all the steam out before starting on my hair.

I bet this is just going to be him being mad at me for bringing Johnny back here. News spreads around fast here.

Suddenly I freeze. I can feel someone watching me. I press the towel to my front and glance over my shoulder.

Johnny is standing in the doorway, a plate of some sort of pasta in his hand. His eyes are fixed on me. I'm about to yell but then I stop. His eyes aren't fixed on me. They're fixed on the scar.

The word 'Joker' on my back.

He realises I've seen him and quickly looks away, I turn my attention back to my hair.

When I've dried it as much as possible I throw on a bathrobe and glance out into the hallway. I can hear Johnny in the kitchen again. Good.

I tiptoe into the living room and out of the doorway. I won't be long, and I don't want to have to waste time explaining where I'm going. When Bruce says five minutes he means five minutes.

The house is dark, but I know the route to the Batcave like the back of my hand. Across the landing, down another set of stairs and into the study.

The grandfather clock is already ever so slightly open, I can almost squeeze through the gap as it stands now.

They're all in the Batcave, waiting for me. Batman, Batgirl and Dick, the only one not in chis suit apart from me.

None of them look happy.

"What's going on?" I ask, quickly skipping down the stone steps into the main part of the cave where they're all standing.

"The Joker is out of Arkham," Batman says darkly, his voice almost quivering with rage. "Quinn got him out."

"Then let's get out there, track him down!" Dick exclaims, his legs twitching in excitement, itching to take him to his Robin costume.


There's a clattering at the top of the stairs, breaking Batman off mid sentence. We all spin around.

Johnny is standing in the doorway from the grandfather clock, his eyes wide with shock.

I'm starting to wonder if I'm in a nightmare.

The Aster {Book 1 & 2} (Batman/Joker/Robin/Batgirl story)Where stories live. Discover now