2.8. What the Joker Wants

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The next morning I glance into the new nursery before sneaking out, just to wallow in the satisfaction of how good it looks.

The furniture isn't as old fashioned as I first thought, I guess it's what, forty years old? 70s? Either way, it looks great. I don't know if Bruce knows yet, I hope he does.

I carefully close the door and tiptoe past Johnny, who's fast asleep on the sofa. Bruce has ordered him to be by my side at all times so I don't want to wake him. Though I doubt that would be very easy. He spent hours lugging stuff down from the fourth floor last night, probably the first time in years he's done anything without the assistance of his powers.

His powers. I desperately want to ask him about those newspapers articles, but I don't know how.

But I'll worry about that later. Right now I have to face Harley.

Why do I have this feeling that today is going to be terrible?


The house it quiet and the blinds are drawn. Well, at least I know she hasn't burnt it down. I can cross anxiety number one off the list at least.

I go to knock on the front door but it swings open as my hand presses on the knocker. Okay, this isn't right. Should I run? I have the chance... no, I've got to face this. There probably isn't a problem.

"Harley?" I push the door open carefully.

She's standing in the hallway waiting for me, wearing a pair of my old pink pyjamas, her blonde hair is up neatly in rollers. Standing either side of her is a man wearing a black shark mask.

Instantly I turn around and make a dash for the door, I know there's no point. They've got hold of me before I've even got over the threshold.

I cry out as they roughly force me down onto my knees, I can't fight, I can't, I can't risk them hurting the baby.

"Harley!" I involuntary yell for help, but what's the point. I know she's the one who brought them here.

"I'm sorry, but Mr J said he wants to see you. And what my Puddin' wants, I get for him," she declares as the men twist my arms behind my back.

I want to swear and scream at her but I know there'll be repercussions, so I keep my mouth shut. But it doesn't stop me yelling them at her in my mind.

I feel cold metal snap shut around my wrists and bed I know it they're pulling me to my feet and out of the door, towards a black Range Rover I noticed parked outside earlier. I even thought what a nice car it was. Fucking idiot.

"What does the Joker want from me?" I say through gritted teeth as they push me into the backseat, trying to keep up the pretence that I'm not scared shitless. But I am, I really, really am.

My question is answered with stony silence. That scares me even more.

The engine starts up and I keep my eyes fixed on the man beside me, fixed on his hand which is lying casually on his pocket. A pocket where I can see a clear outline of a gun pressed against the fabric.

"Is he gonna kill me?" I'm starting to crack already, my voice is shaking with this stress, this fear.

Silence. I try to look out of the window to see where we're going but I can't, they're blacked out. What little I can see from the windscreen is that we're heading towards the city centre, not that that's much use.

Oh God. The police department? Is he gonna kill me at the police department where he killed Mom?

"Please, my baby's due in a week, just hold me hostage until then and then take me to him," I'm begging to hyperventilate, "Just please don't let him kill my baby!"

Tears of mascara start running down my cheeks and I find myself curling up into a protective ball, anything to protect my stomach. You know, until now, I didn't realise I cared, but I do care, I care so much about this baby.

The car comes to a halt, and before I know it the driver has come round to my door and is pulling me out onto the sidewalk.

I only get a split second glance at the glowing blue building they're dragging me into and a small flicker of hope lights up inside me.

The Iceberg Lounge.

He couldn't kill me here could he? In front of everyone?

The doorman stares blankly ahead of him as he opens the door to let us in, I try to get his attention, mouth for help, but if he sees he doesn't react.

The second we're through the doors I break out in goosebumps, even in the summer it's so cold in here.

The Joker is sitting at the same table he was the first night I came here. Only this time I'm not stupid enough to walk in voluntarily. I'm just stupid enough to let myself be taken here.

He's wearing a pressed white shirt unbuttoned down the front, held down with black braces. His face, his hair, his silver grilled teeth... they're all the same as the last time I saw him. Only a thousand times more terrifying.

His bodyguards sit me down roughly into the chair opposite him, the club appears to be empty apart from us. There's no one to help.

"Well you look very... different," he smirks as the guards begin to unlock the handcuffs. I clench my fists and dig my nails deep into my palms, trying to stop them from shaking.

"I've gained a little weight," I dryly attempt to smile but it doesn't really work.

He laughs, way too much for the calibre of the joke.

"That's my girl!" He catches my eye and the smile he gives me makes me want to throw up. "Maybe you haven't changed so much after all."

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