Chapter Seven

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Picture of Lacey (Kate's mom)


Chapter Seven...

-Katherine's dream-

"Chris! Chris where are you?" I yelled out, looking through the fire in front of me.

I was standing in a room, or what looked like a living room. I couldn't tell because it was burning, flames everywhere, the couch was on fire, the pictures hung on the wall, all burning to ashes.

"Chris!" I yelled again desperately looking around me.

"KATE." I heard him yell, but I still couldn't see him.


"Kate! You have to get out of here, leave fast before they find you!" He yelled out, still nowhere to be seen.

"I'm not leaving without you." I cried, wiping the tears off my face, I was getting myself ready to jump through the fire and find him.

But just as I was about to start running forward, he appeared in front of me, I sobbed even harder taking his appearance.

Blood was covering his face, bruises everywhere. He looked beaten and helpless, it broke my heart to know that it was entirely my fault.

He fell to his knees and looked at me pleadingly, speaking in a low but desperate voice, "Please Kate, you have to go before they find you. Please."

I was about to argue, to tell him that I wasn't leaving him, when a big hand covered my mouth, and another covered my eyes. The person behind me was strong and powerful, I could feel it.

I was suffocating, I couldn't breathe. I felt my tears come down faster as I slowly started to fall, losing conscious, I was just about to hit the ground.

I woke up screaming, I was sweating, fighting to catch my breath. I sat up quickly, looked around and realized that I was in my bedroom, safe.

I let out a deep breath and fell back onto my bed. I really hated these stupid dreams. I checked the time on my phone which was on my bedside table, it was only four AM.

Well, no way in hell was I going back to sleep now. I got up and went to the bathroom, turning on the hot water I stripped out of my clothes and got in the bathtub. I squeezed in some vanilla soap to make bubbles and lit two scented candles on each side of the tub. I tried to relax and slow my heart beat which I could feel racing in my chest.

But I was too bothered, that dream made me mad. I felt like I wanted to go back and beat the crap out of the person who put their hands on my face. I realized that I had my hands in fists and my teeth were clenched. Why was I so mad? Was it because Chris was hurt? Or because I was the reason someone was in pain.

I let out a sigh of frustration, but as I did, the candles on either sides of me lit up. I freak out and sat up in the tub, my heart started racing again as I stared at the overly lit candles in shock. Seconds after they lit up, they went off.

I looked around to see if there was any wind, but the door and the window were both closed. Then I remembered what had happened the night before. But that's impossible! I thought, no human could control the elements like Elsa said, it was physically impossible and I refused to believe it.

Even so, I decided to check it out. I reached for the lighter and lit up one of the candles again.

If what Elsa had said was true then that meant I could play with the fire of the candle. I focused on the candle but nothing happened. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and tried to focus on the candle again, but nothing happened. Feeling frustrated, I let out an annoyed sigh and the candle slightly lit up then calmed down again.

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