Chapter Thirty Two

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I poured myself a mug of coffee and sat at the table where I had already made myself a bowl of chocolate lucky charms cereal.

I heard the front door open and close and a couple of seconds later my mother walked into the kitchen dressed in a raincoat with a scarf wrapped around her neck, her cheeks were flushed and her nose was red from the cold.

"Good morning" she said as she bent down to take the leash off of Cookies blue collar.

"Morning, you were out with Cookie?" I asked confused, she had always been afraid of dogs, so why was she hanging out with one?

"I took him out for a walk" she smiled as she played with his ears, he let out his tongue and started wagging his tail.

"So you're friends now?" I asked as I scooped a mouthful of cereal and ate it.

"Yeah I guess he's not that scary after all. I'm going to hit the shower, do you need a ride to school?"

"No, Sam's picking me up and we're heading over to Elsa's later".

"Well I'm going out with William tonight for dinner, I left some money in the living room for you to have dinner with your friends, order in, go out. It doesn't matter, just let me know your plans"

"Okay, see you later" she left the kitchen and I grabbed my school bag, I thought I would walk a bit to clear my mind.

I left the house and started walking down the damp street, cold wind played with my hair so I pulled my scarf tighter to my neck and I adjusted my winter hat.

I've been feeling a pinch of guilt every time my mother brings up my father ever since last week when I decided against telling her that I found the guy who murdered him, I didn't want to open up old wounds.

I pushed the feeling of wanting to get back at Arian away and focused on my training this afternoon since it would be my last water training before my elemental test.

So far I've learnt how to control water in any way that I want, like making waves or lifting water out of the river, I've even learnt how to make a small whirlpool.

I hugged my coat closer just as I heard a horn from behind me, I turned around and found Sam slowing down. I got in the car and we started making our way to school.

Today was our last day of dancing lessons and we could finally figure out which song we would be dancing to, Mrs. Brook said that she had picked the song from the first day but it was a surprise, even though we should have been practicing to it from the start.

Water bending practice would be only Sam and I today since the boys had football practice.

"I'm actually starting to get excited for the ball next week" Sam said.

"Same here" I replied even though I wasn't. With everything going on, the ball was the last thing on my mind.

"So, did you and Chris announce your undying love to each other yet?"

"We're not in love" I replied rolling my eyes.

"That's not what it looks like, especially when you almost fell down the stairs yesterday at school and he wanted to take you home so you could rest even though you didn't get hurt. I guess that's why he was sent here".

"Well, he's a bit over protective and he worries a lot but that does not mean we're in love, and before you talk about me and my boyfriend you should express your undying love to Mark" I replied turning to her with a smug look but I paused when I realized that she was smirking at me while staring at me from the corner of her eye.

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