Evanoras Dream

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Hey guys, this isn't really a chapter, it's just a small scene of Enavora’s dream. Thought you might want to know what's going on with her. I hope you like it.


I stood there listening nervously and terrified to Maximus's rules and orders, they had lined us all up in one big row and they were telling us what we had to do. As a twelve year old it was kind of hard to focus on what you had to do when you're terrified.

I tried to silent my sobs as they came out and I didn't dare move to wipe my tears. Staring at my shoes I played nervously with my fingers which were behind my back. I zoned out for a couple of seconds only to remember the hurt look on my mother’s face while I was being pulled out of her tight arms.


 I called out her name as two big men held me by my arms and lifted my up taking me towards the copter, they threw me in the back making me hit my head on the other door, I scrambled to my feet as soon as my vision cleared then ran towards the door just as they shut it.

I put my hands on the window and started banging on it, calling her name while the tears ran down my face, she was being held back by a huge man and I knew that she didn't stand a chance against a warrior.

I curled up on the big seat and sank in, pulling my knees up to me chest I hid my head and started crying as the copter slowly started to take off. 


"You will not be back unless you have her dead body with you!" he ordered aggressively, I didn't even know who this 'Arabella' was and I already hated her.

I looked to my right and then my left to see all the other kids standing with their heads down, some looked terrified and some were crying and I was sure that they all felt the same way I did, hurt and out for revenge.

Were my orders not clear?

I heard his voice in my head and I started too shaky uncontrollably as my surroundings changed from the Dark Palace to a dead forest.

All I asked for was for you to bring me her dead body.

He said again, he was inside my head. That wasn't the first time he did it, he'd make me dream about the day they took me away and then he would torture me for not making any progress but this time there was something different, I would usually only see black when I heard his voice but this time I was standing somewhere. Somewhere I didn't recognize.

"I haven't found her yet" I said as I always did and I prepared myself for the mental pain that I knew was coming but nothing happened, his voice was gone and I started to think that he was going to end my dream without hurting me, but I was wrong.

Don't lie to me Evanora, I know everything.

I felt a tight squeeze in my chest and prayed to god that he wasn't saying what I thought he was saying.

You have four days to bring her to me.

"Wait!" I yelled out before he could end my dream, I turned around and tried to look for him but I knew that I wasn't going to find him, he never showed himself in dreams.

"I have an idea" I said unsure if it was going to work, I needed more time, if I was going to help Katharina then I needed more time.

Go on.

"She's not strong enough yet, how about you wait until she is able to control her powers fully and then you can strip them away from her leaving you with more power"  he paused for a couple of seconds making hope rise in my chest.

Alright then, you have few weeks to make sure she becomes more powerful then you bring her to me, you will receive your reward after her powers are mine, understood?

"Yes master" I replied happily, he had fallen for it, I waited for my dream to end and to take me back to my body but it didn't, I turned around in a circle looking around confused when I heard his voice again.

If you really believe that you can deceive me you foolish witch then you are wrong.

I fell to the floor with my hands at my head, crying in pain | shut my eyes tight and lowered my head. I thought he wasn't going to hurt me this time, I thought I had escaped from the torture because I found her but I was wrong.

I coughed into my hands then looked at them to see blood, I let out another cry as pain shot through my head again making me grip my hair and pull on it to stop the pain. 

My nose started bleed and my hands started shaking as I pulled at my hair more aggressively only to let out another scream from the pain as it continuously shot through my head.

"What's wrong with her?" I heard Arabella’s voice in my head and I knew that I had to tell her before he completely destroyed me for trying to trick him.

"Arabella!" I yelled out repeatedly but I wasn't sure if my body was calling her too, I felt a tight squeeze in my chest before I tried to tell her, "They know where you are! Run!" I yelled out at the top of my lungs hoping that she would hear me.

Before I could say anything else my vision started to blur and then it went black and the next thing I knew I was opening my eyes only to see three terrified looking people staring down at me.

I wanted to tell them that he was coming, I wanted to tell them that they should get out of here and go somewhere else but I couldn't. I had no control over my body.


I hope you guys like it and tell me what you think.

 Thank you for reading.

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