Chapter Fourteen

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 Chapter Fourteen...

I was running around my room like a maniac, tripping over a high heeled shoe I let out a scream then fell on my face but luckily there was a big pile of clothes to break my fall. I sat up and took a shirt off my head. I probably looked like a lunatic with my hair all tangled up from trying on too many dresses. I looked around at my messy room and pouted. There were clothes thrown all over my bed and some were on the floor along with shoes scattered everywhere, make-up scattered all over my dresser and finally a bored looking Sam sitting in the middle of my bed with her legs crossed and her elbows resting on them, while her fists were pressed up to both her cheeks.

I had a date with Chris, he had asked me awkwardly last night after he drove me home what I was doing tomorrow night or his exact words were 'So, do you have any plans for tomorrow night? Because if you don't, I'd like to take you out, you know, like on a date' and that's when I made a total fool out of myself, I couldn't stop giggling and my face was redder than a tomato, you thinks that's horrible? Sadly there was more, after I said yes we decided on where to go; which was to a fancy restaurant for dinner, then I got out and went into my house, turned on the lights and then started doing a little happy dance, little did I know that he could see me from the glass window that we had beside the door. I'm an idiot I know.

The first thing I did when I woke up this morning was call Sam and tell her about my date, she screamed then muffled something about needing ten minutes then hung up, next thing I know she was standing at my door, she was almost as excited as I was so we went straight to my room to find something for me to wear, unfortunately we still haven't found anything suitable and it was already four while Chris was picking me up at six.

"Don't just stare at me like that, help me find something to wear," I said desperately.

"I already told you; you look hot in the blue dress, sexy as hell in the red and gorgeous in the purple, so just pick one!" she replied throwing her hands up.

"The blue isn't enough for dinner, the purple makes me look like a little girl and the red is too short, tight and reveling, I don't want him to think that I'm throwing myself at him!"

"Oh my god!" she yelled as she jumped off the bed looking excided all of a sudden, "I've got the perfect dress!" she pulled me up from the floor then started pushing me towards my bathroom "Go take a shower, I'll be back to do your make up by the time you're done," she rushed then ran out of the room.

I did as she said and went in for a shower using scented body wash and shampoo to make sure I smelled good, when I finished I wrapped a towel around me and another around my head then left the bathroom, when I walked in I saw Sam standing at the door with something behind her back and she was giving me an evil smile.

"What's that look for?" I asked looking at her mysteriously.

"You're going to love it, I bought it last month for a date but when I came to wear it I realized that it didn't suit my complexion."

"You're saying it as if mine is any different," I said rolling my eyes, we were both overly pale due to the lack of sunshine in our small town.

"Oh you have no idea, now shut up and let me show you the dress."

"Go ahead, bedazzle me," I replied flatly.

She slowly brought up the hanger from behind her and turned the dress to face me making me gasp; the dress was mind blowing, it was a deep rich ox blood red that was tight from the top up until the waist where it became loose, the full sleeve arms and neckline of the dress were made from lace, with a heart shaped chest that went all the way till mid-thigh, and then there was about two or three inches at the bottom of lace with a thin gold chain belt. I loved it and I hoped with all my heart that it would fit me.

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