Chapter Thirty Five

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I groaned as I turned in bed, I set my alarm clock at six but never thought it would be this hard to wake up.

I sighed and turned the loud alarm off then got out of bed.

Today was the day I would finally figure out if all the training I’ve been doing for the past two months was enough to beat Maximus, or if it was all for nothing.

Elsa had a test for me, she said either I can do it or I can’t. There will be no ‘I did it but it wasn’t good enough’.

Either I pass or fail.

I took a hot shower to try to calm myself down; my heart was beating so fast that I thought it would break through my rib cage.

I stood under the water and tried to clear my mind, taking in deep breaths and letting them out.

I noticed that I was pulling the water away from my body and to my hands so I shook the water off them.

I didn’t bother with my hair; I just put it up in a high bun to keep it out of my way.

I slipped on some dark jeans and a grey hoodie with a leather jack on top, Elsa wouldn’t tell me what my test would be about so I decided to wear something comfortable.

 I checked my watch that said it was it seven then went down stairs and heard chatter coming from the kitchen.

I walked in and found Sam, Mark and Chris all sitting at the table having coffee with my mother.

“She’s finally up” Sam said as soon as she spotted me.

“What are you guys doing here?” I asked confused, they never told me they were coming and my mom was supposed to drive me.

“You thought you would be doing this alone?” Chris asked.

“We’re doing this together” Mark said.

“Even though we’re just going to be sitting at the side and watching you do all the hard work” Sam added enthusiastically.

Tears filled my eyes but I tried not to show it, they didn’t know how much this meant to me.

My mother got up and walked over to me with a warm smile, “We’re here for you sweetie” she hugged me tightly and I couldn’t hold back the tears anymore.

I let them run down my cheeks as I hugged her back.

“Thank you so much guys, you know I would have never been able to do this without you” I said as I wiped my cheeks with the back of my sleeve.

“This is too cute” Sam said then she ran up to me and hugged me making me giggle.

Mark and Chris gave each other a look then stood up, “Group hug” Mark shouted as they walked up to us with wide arms.

Soon I was being crushed by all four of them.

“You need to have breakfast” Sam said as she took a bowl out of the cabinet, she poured cereal in it then added milk.

“But I’m not hungry” I said but she ignored me, Chris held me by my shoulders and guided me towards the table where Sam put down the bowl.

Mark pulled the chair for me and Chris settled me down in it. Sam picked up the spoon and was about to start feeding me.

“Okay, thanks but I can eat by myself” I said and grabbed the spoon from her, I smiled softly as I stuffed a spoonful in my mouth, they had just mde my day.

They wouldn’t let us leave until I had finished my whole bowl, I felt like I could puke it all out any second but they wouldn’t listen.

My stomach was clenched with nervousness, and filled with butterflies.

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