Chapter Twenty

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 Chapter Twenty...

After I said goodbye to Chris and Elsa, I left the palace and headed back to school. My feet hurt like hell but I couldn't miss any of my classes, so I forced myself to suck it up and walk all the way back in my heels.

When I got back, it was already lunch time and since Chris wasn't here for us to meet up in the library like we usually did after eating, I headed straight to the cafeteria, grabbed an apple and went over to the table that Mark, Josh and Sam were on.

"I'm exhausted," I whined as I threw myself down on the chair.

"Where's lover boy?" Josh asked as he took a bite out of his sandwich, making me look up to his see his deep blue eyes staring down at me questioningly.

"He's a bit tired so he stayed home," Sam replied for me then sent me a wink.

Dumbass, like she didn't just make everything obvious. I should really stop telling her everything that happens, at least not right away.

"I went by his house the other day and knocked a thousand times but he wasn't there, I also went the day after that but no one was home. I think he gave me the wrong address," Josh said with furrowed eyebrows, which made me start munching on my apple quickly and nervously.

I never thought about what would happen if my friends found out about me being from Lartix. Well, Josh and Mark to be exact, since Sam and Chris already knew. Would they take it as smoothly as Sam did or would they freak out and go crazy? I chocked slightly on my apple and started coughing.

"Here drink some juice," Mark said as he handed me a bottle of juice, which I took thankfully and gulped it down.

"You seem nervous, you okay?" Josh asked. 

"Yup, I'm fine, peachy, why're you asking?" I asked biting my bottom lip. I knew that I was making a big deal out of nothing, but there was this squeeze in my chest every time I thought about people finding out about Lartix. I mean, they would probably think I'm crazy. I knew I wasn't because I've seen and felt my own powers, but how would I get them to believe me?

The bell rang snapping me out of my whirl of thoughts and I stood up in a flash almost falling flat on my ass because of my stupid heels but thankfully Josh held my arm and steadied me. 

"Are you sure you're feeling okay?" he asked.

"Yeah I'm fine just a bit tired" I replied. 

"It's okay don't worry, I'll make sure she makes it to her next class safely, you can go talk to that chick you were talking about now" Sam said shooing Josh away who shrugged and turned and started walking away with Mark.

"What's going on?" Sam asked looking more worried than Josh did. Sheesh what was up with people and being worried today?

"Nothing's going on, I'm just tired because I had to run all the way from school to the forest and back in these stupid heels" I told her as we walked out of the cafeteria making her pull me by my arm to the side.

"You what? Why? What's wrong?" she whispered.

"Chris used dark magic to get me to go over there so I could see Evanora so we questioned her and then I had to run back which reminds me, I have to get my phone from my locker" I replied as I started walking towards my locker with her at my side.

"Well did you find out anything about the witches?" she whispered as we reached my locker.

"Only that their health decreases whenever they use their powers and that there are three great witches who are controlling the rest" I whispered back as I took my phone out of my locker and checked it, there were seventeen missed calls and nine messages all from Chris this morning.

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