Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten...

Sam and I said bye to the guys then headed to the parking lot. We were going to the glass palace together since Sam had finally agreed to go with me. Sam was walking really fast, so fast that I could hardly keep up, for some awkward reason she was eager to get to the car.

I noticed that she kept on giving me side way glances with a smirk on her face so by the time we got in the car I was fed up.

"What?" I yelled and slammed the car door shut. But Sam just turned in her seat so she was fully facing me and gave me a big smile.

"So, what's going on between you and lover boy?" She asked in a teasing way.

"What? I mean nothing, why does it look like there's something? I mean nothing’s going on, it’s just that I...he...I mean," I said nervously, I could feel my face heating up already and I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

"I saw the way you guys were looking at each other today in dance class, and at lunch he wouldn't stop flirting with you! You like him don't you?" She asked with a smug smile.

"I'm not going to lie, he's really cute and sweet," I said in a low voice.

"I knew it! I told you he was a good guy," she said as she started the car.

"Oh shut up," I said playfully.

Sam started driving down the road that led to the forest, when we got there she parked the car on the side of the road. I had told her to bring sneakers so we changed from our heels into the sneakers, I took my backpack which had my clothes in it and we got down.

"This forest looks creepy," Sam said as we made our way through the forest.

"Yeah, imagine having someone following you, trust me it becomes even creepier." I had told Sam everything that has happened with me at the forest and with Elsa in these past couple of days and that's probably the reason she agreed to come with me today, so I didn't go alone.

When we reached the field I put my hands around my locket and closed my eyes, I felt a cool breeze on my bare legs and heard Sam say "Holy crap." Then I opened my eyes and the palace was there.

"That was amazing," Sam said looking astonished.

"Yeah I know," I replied equally amazed.

We started walking up the stairs when the door opened, Elsa was standing there wearing a black tank top and black yoga like pants, sneakers and she had her long hair up in a ponytail.

"Good afternoon, I'm glad you could join us today Sam," Elsa said giving Sam a small node with a smile.

"Me too," Sam replied sarcastically.

"Don't make it seem like I dragged you along," I said playfully then went around Elsa and into the bedroom.

I changed from my uniform into the gym clothes Elsa had given me and put my hair up in a ponytail, I put my bangs up too so they didn't get in the way. When I went out I went straight to the backyard where Sam and Elsa were standing talking about the weather. I looked around and realized that it was a cloudy day with not much wind, and most of the trees leaves had turned yellow and the others had fallen on the ground.

I walked up to the circle that Elsa had already drawn for me and stood in the middle, Sam was sitting on the glass stairs while Elsa was picking up some leaves and putting them in the bucket that she was carrying, when she finished she put a hand full of them inside the circle, right in front of me.

"I want you to blow them away, to control them, make them go around in circles then come back to you," Elsa said as she backed out of the circle.

I gave her a nod then closed my eyes, took and deep breathe and tried to relax. I opened my eyes and put my hands up and tried to feel the wind around me, I breathed it in and out and tried to control it.

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