4. Hard Decisions and Longing Friendships

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Jessie's POV

My heart was racing. There was something wrong with my babies.

"Are you going to look at the screen honey?"

"N-Not yet." Patty frowned as she ran the ultrasound over my belly.

"Well, I know you told me to keep the genders a secret but I'm going to have to tell you. They're both girls," I smiled to myself, "They are both small, but one of them is smaller than the other." My head quickly turned. My hand went to my mouth, they looked so small, almost too small. I hope it was just the way it looked on the screen. "The biggest girl will be born first and-"

"I want to name here Adira." I sniffled, "The small one is gonna be Adira."


"It-It means strong, she is strong she's gonna make it b-because you're gonna do everything you c-can to save her, okay?"

"It's not just... Adira, honey. They're both very small for being eight months after being conceived. This is a major complication." I began to cry. "Jessica, I will do everything I can to make sure both of your baby girls make it."

"You promise?" I sniffled.

"I won't promise you anything." I sighed and looked to Harry, his face pale.

"Fine.." I sniffled.

"You have to start think positively and bringing a positive vibe into tour system." Patty explained as she cleaned off my belly. "Ever since Zayn left, you have been very depressive. It is causing your body to function slowly, the babies' growth doing the same. I hate to say this but you have to stop thinking about him."


"You longing for him is the reason your babies aren't developing as fast as they are and it's the cold truth, honey." I frowned, "I'm not going to lie to you and tell you everything is going to be okay."

"I know, it's just hard. He won't get to be here when his baby girls are born."

"Harry will and so will everyone willing to support you."

"That's just Harry, plus, it won't be the same."

"You have to try, honey, for the sake of your babies." I sighed and hugged my belly.

"Alright." I sniffled, "Can I go home now?"

"Yes, make sure to drink lots of water and eat well. Harry, could you help her with that?"

"Of course." Patty gave him a smiling nod as she helped me stand to my feet. Harry hugged my shoulders, nudging me into his side. When we got out the hospital and into the car, I hugged my belly. My finger twirled around my exposed belly button. The car ride was silent all the way to my house. When we stepped out the car, I spotted a man in the driveway. His eyes lit up when he saw me.

"Jessica?" He called, my eyebrows narrowing at him when he walked closer to me. It was dark out so I couldn't see very well. "Wow, hi."

"Um, hi.."

"You don't remember me, do you?"

"No, I'm sorry." He laughed.

"Nicholas." I cocked my head, "It's Nicky!" My eyes widened and a smile instantly appeared on my face. He was in my foster home, my only friend. I loved him so much when I was younger. The day he got adopted upset me, it was only a few months before I was. It was safe to say he was my first crush.

"How could you recognize me so easily?"

"I use to stare at you for hours when we hid in the attic for more sleep." I threw my arms around in somewhat way was a hug. He quickly hugged back. "It's great to see you."

"Same to you." I pulled away, looking up at him. "Um, you can come inside." He nodded and followed me inside, Harry with a confused expression on his face. When we got inside, Lola stood up.

"There's my ride."


"Yeah, you met outside."

"Very long time ago, actually. This is the girl I told you about years ago."

"Oh my gosh, and I didn't even know. I'm his sister, well.. He's my adopted brother."

"Yeah, you know my name is Jessica." I shrugged, "How was Bentley?"

"Very quiet, he watched tv and then fell asleep. He's still asleep now." Cynthia answered, rubbing her arm.

"That's great. Thank you both for taking care of him. I'm going to sleep now, I'm very tired."

"Sleep well." Nicky nodded at me. "Let's go, Lola." She waved me goodbye. I couldn't help but smile as he walk out the door. Harry and Cynthia watched me.


"Nothing." Cynthia almost seemed relieved, smiling up at Harry.

"I'm going up." I fiddled with my fingers as I went up the stairs, groaning at each step. I checked on Bentley, he was sleeping soundly in his crib. My feet carried me to my room, sitting myself on my bed. I pulled off my shoes and rubbed my swollen ankles. I put on sweat pants and a loose t-shirt before crawling under the covers.

I walked down the stairs with wobbly feet, this was a hassle every morning. I wasn't used to my gained weight just yet. My feet carried me all the way to the kitchen, nearly jumping when I saw Nicky inside.

"Oh, hey Jessica." He smiled, turning and revealing Bentley in his high chair.

"Mumma!" He mumbled, his mouth and cheeks covered in oatmeal.

"How'd you get inside?" I asked curious, walking over to my son.

"Cynthia, I was coming to get Lola's babysitting money and she said Harry had left for work and she had to leave, too. So she asked me to watch you for a few hours and of course, I accepted." I crossed my arms with a slight shrug.

"As long as you don't steal anything." He let out a laugh.

"Never." I nodded, wiping the oatmeal off my son's face. "So, when are you due?"

"Next month, very scared."


"Just am." I shrugged.

"Oh, well at least in two months, you won't have to worry about it." I smiled at the thought, my two baby girls and my little boy running around the house in years to come.

"Do you happen to have any... markings?"

"No, I mean, I cut my hand with a knife while working at the construction ground the other day but that's it."



"Just wondering.." I rubbed my arm, "So how does your family treat you?"

"Great, they're the best I could ask for. When I left the foster home, I didn't want to talk to anyone for a while. They gave me my space and then welcomed me when I was ready. They've been supportive of me ever since."

"That sounds great." I nodded, looking to my hands on my belly.

"Um, I read about.. what happened."

"Hasn't everybody?" I sighed.

"I'm only guessing it was worse than what was explained in the papers because it also said you and Payton refused to talk to anyone."

"Much worse, but I'm okay now." Nicky frowned, sitting down on one of the stools.

"You have three kids.."

"And?" I narrowed my eyebrows.

"Well, isn't it a bad reminder?"

"Oh no, these aren't his kids. They're my boyfriend, Zayn's. He's.. somewhere.. serving military detention."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, it's not the first time someone thought they were." Nicky frowned as I pulled Bentley out his high chair. "I'm gonna brush his.. gums." I laughed slightly. his teeth hadn't grown out just yet.

"I'll be here."

Heart of Fighters (Sequel to "Lifesaver")Where stories live. Discover now