40. Wide Open

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Zayn's POV

I sat in the window of the twins' room, rocking Jada's cradle gently as she slept. She'd make a soft whimper every few minutes, as if she was cooing and I thought it was the cutest thing.

"Oh baby girl." I smiled, leaning down to kiss her head.

"Can I come in?" Missy knocked gently.

Missy had volunteered to babysit many times, and although she was a pain in the ass, she promised her presense was strictly for the babies. But this time, I felt it wasn't.

"What is it?" She sat down beside me.

"I don't like seeing you like this, so down.."

"It's not my fault."

"I know it's not but.. You don't deserve this Zayn."

"I already know that. I already know I don't deserve four beautiful kids, I already know I don't deserve Jessica."

"I didn't mean it like that."

"Any other way you're suggesting is bullshit, I already know."

"Zayn, you need to watch the video."

"I don't want to watch it, get out. My daughter is sleeping."


"Where's Bentley?"

"He's watching television.."

"Then go watch him.."


"How about you get out my house instead, huh?" I stood, Missy crossing her arms.

"Why won't-"

"Get out now." I spoke through gritted teeth. She stomped out the room, I nearly yelled at her for the noise sh was making as she left. Jada remained sleeping though. I sighed, leaning down and kissing her head.

"Mum will be home soon, then I won't have to bother you all the time." I chuckled.

The phone suddenly rang, and I scrambled to get it. I pressed the answer button, immediately checking to see if Jada had woken. She didn't.

"God.. Hello?"

"Hello Zayn, this is Dr. Gardner."

"Oh hey."

"We have some exciting news to share."

"Is this the 'blink' thing because I'm not-"

"Jessica has woken up." My eyes widened, my chest lightening.


"Yes sir."

"Oh my god.. Oh my god! I-Is she okay?!"

"She's doing fine, she woke up about a half hour ago."

"Am I allowed to come now?"

"Of course! Please do!"

"Alright, I'll be there as soon as possible!" I hung up the phone. "Bents! Come upstairs!" I carefully took Jada out her crib, making her whimper, "I know baby, I'm sorry. But we're gonna see Mummy!"

"Yes Daddy?"

"Mum woke up! We're gonna go see her!"


"Yeah, go get dressed really quick!"

"Okay! Like lightning!!" He yelled as he ran out the room.

I dressed Jada quickly, as I did myself, and got them both settled in the car.

I had called Jessie's family as I was driving to the hospital, and they were all there when I had arrived.

Heart of Fighters (Sequel to "Lifesaver")Where stories live. Discover now