6. A Struggle Well Fought

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I listened to "Say Something" by A Great Big World during Jessie's POV and actually cried. I highly recommend it.

Harry's POV

After Jessie's labor had been induced, her pain didn't seem to simmer. Instead, it increased to the point where she was screaming and riggling too much.

"AH, NO!!" Jessie shrieked, the nurses ready to grab her.

"No, no don't touch her! Wait!" I grabbed Jessie's arm, turning her head to face me. "Jess? Jessica, breath."

"First baby is crowning!!"

"Jessica, stop! You don't want to be tied down, do you?!"

"Shut up Harry!" She screamed, taking in deep breaths. As much as she squirmed, I pushed her arm down for them to give her her shot. Jessie gave up her struggle and just cried, covering her face. "I'm sorry.."

"It's fine, just try to stay as calm as possible."

"Harry, it hurts more than the first time. My babies.." She sobbed.

"They'll make it." I pushed stray locks from her face, her skin very pale.

"Harry, can I talk to you?" Patty grabbed my arm.


"Please don't leave me!"

"I'll be right back, I promise." She nodded as I walked into the hallway with Patty. "So?"

"As you know, Jessica has a placental abruption and it's almost completely removed. She's bleeding and it's swelling up, the swelling could suffocate her babies or-or even kill them." Patty sniffled, "I'm surprised she hasn't fainted yet."

"Why would she faint?"

"She's losing a lot of blood. If she doesn't give birth quick enough, her babies won't only suffocate, but she'll exsanguinate.."

"What does that mean?"

"She'll bleed to death." She choked out, taking off her glasses to wipe her eyes. "She has so much faith in me, to bring out both her babies alive. I'm not even sure if she'll come out this hospital alive."

"Hey, hey, you need to breathe." I held her shoulders. Patty huffed and puffed slowly, nodding shortly after. "Are you sure we should leave this to you? You are close to her, it'd be hard for you."

"No, I'll be fine. It's just the things that could go wrong if we don't handle this perfectly. Something could go terribly wrong in a split second." Jessie shrieked, our heads turning. "She has to give birth, to both babies, in the next twenty minutes or we're gonna have to cut her open."

"A C-section? She-She'd go berzerk, c-can you induce delivery? Is that a thing?"

"No, that'd harm the babies and Jessie." I groaned, running my fingers through her hair. "Since this is her second labor, we might have a chance of getting them out quicker than last time. She just had to cooperate, but she's in excruciating pain. And I mean the contractions, plus the swelling placenta, and the back pain, and the exhaustion of the blood she's losing. Oh god." Patty heaved in air.

"Then don't do this for her, do it for... Zayn. It'll be much easier that way, it sounds crazy, but it might help you think instead of freak out. Jessie will not have another doctor help her give birth and you know that."

"O-Okay." She nodded confidently. "Let's deliver some babies, huh?" I felt nauseous at the thought that there was going to be more blood this time, but I had to be there for Jessie.

I was handed an apron and a surgical mask before I went back into the room and at Jessie's side. She looked exhausted, but she needed to stay awake.

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