34. Starting Over

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Jessie's POV

I trailed my fingers around the lines of Zayn's palm.

It had been a few hours since we were found, I was thinking he was just resting but he had lost a lot of blood so I wasn't quite sure. We were in the hospital now, I was just waiting for him to wake up.

I was in a hospital bed, too. Apparently, something was wrong so I needed to stay.

"Mummy!" My mood immediately enlighted when the door opened, Bentley quickly climbing onto my bed.

"Oh baby, you're okay." I sighed with relief as he crawled into my arms.

"I missed you." Mum walked in, Lydia on her hip. She immediately looked to Zayn, squealing.

"I missed you, too." I sniffled, holding his head in my hand. "I'm so happy to see you."

"Nana said you were busy."

"Yeah.." I shrugged, looking to her holding Lydia at Zayn's bedside.

"You got hurt, Mummy?"

"Just a little bit, baby." He nodded, curling up at my side. "Mum?" She turned to me, "Thank you for bringing them."

"I'm just glad you're okay." She sighed, "Social security came around."


"They almost took the kids, so I just told them the truth about what was happening to you. They hired volunteers to be a search team."

"Did they catch any of the guys?"

"Almost all of them, except one. He's apparently a very sneaky guy." I chuckled to myself.

"It's Keegan." I grinned.

"Why are you smiling? He's a criminal."

"He's not. His brother dragged him into the gang and he's assigned to the captives but he snuck goods and clothes in for them. Of course he'd get in trouble for it but he still did it. He's better than all of them. He helped me." I sighed.

"So you're glad he's still wandering?"

"He never did anything wrong, he wouldn't hurt a fly. He deserves a better life."

"If you say so." I nodded, looking down at Bentley. He was playing with my fingers. I frowned when I noticed my ring was gone again. I wouldn't be surprised if they sold it.

"I'm so tired." I sniffled, Bentley looking up at me.

"You're sleepy, Mummy?" I nodded, "Get out Nana!"

"Bents." I spoke sternly, "I want you to take Nana and Lydia to the cafeteria, okay?"

"I wanna stay with you!"

"I need peace and quiet, baby. It'll be a few minutes." I kissed his forehead as he pouted.

"Okay, Mummy. C'mon, Nana!" My mum stood up, Lydia whining as she was carried away from Zayn.

"We'll be right back, Jess." I nodded as they all walked out.

I walked slowly over to Zayn's bed, sitting beside him. My hands rubbed up his wound gently, frowned. You could feel the indent of his wound through the gauze.

He suddenly groaned, making me jump and pull my arm away.

"I'm sorry." I breathed, "You're awake? Zayn?"

"What?" He grumbled, making me grin.

"Don't 'what?' me." Zayn grinned lazily, opening his eyes a little. He rose his arm to hold my hand. "Do you feel better?"

Heart of Fighters (Sequel to "Lifesaver")Where stories live. Discover now