10. Start of the Worst

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Jessie's POV

My celebration simmered down as realization came to mind. Zayn was okay but there's four more years for him to not be okay. I had to wait those disgusting four years just to see how he's doing. It took him nearly nine months for him to finally contact me, who knows how long it'll take now?

"Jessica?" Nicky walked in.

"Oh, hi." I smiled a little, looking back down at Lydia as she drank her milk. "Where've you been?"

"Nicky, where are y- Oh my gosh." My eyes widened at the sight of Missy. "Oh, Jessie, hi! I didn't know this was your home."

"You two know each other?"

"We went to school together, I wasn't the nicest towards her but I grew and learned." I sighed with a nod. "How are you?"

"I'm okay.." I shrugged, looking down at Lydia. She was still drinking her milk.

"I heard you had a new baby! What's her name?"

"Oh, this is Lydia." I sighed, frowning. Adira's funeral was to be held next week and I was not ready. "She's almost two weeks old now."

"She's beautiful, looks just like Zayn. Is he at work?"

"Far beyond work, I struggle to grasp. He's... in the military.."

"Oh, I'm sorry.."

"Nothing to be sorry for, he saved my life, and was wrongfully accused and sent away." I sighed, "Four more years until I get to see him."

"But your kids-"

"That's the worst part, they won't get to grow up with him, especially not Adira." I sniffled, fixing my shirt after Lydia was done drinking.

"What? Who's Adira?" Before I could answer, I burst into tears, covering my face. Nicky pulled her out the room for a second as I sobbed, trying my hardest to swaddle Lydia through my blurred sight. "Jessie, I'm so sorry! I-I didn't know-"

"She wasn't even alive.." I choked out, Nicky taking Lydia as Missy came to hold me.

"You've lost too much in so little time, I am so sorry." She sniffled, "I wish there was someway I could've helped."

"No one could help, Zayn had to leave either way! I could've saved her i-if I wasn't being such a-a big baby!" I cried hysterically, my body trembling. I don't know how long I cried, but I found myself slowly drifting to whimpers and small cries before I was asleep.

The next day, I had rushed to the hospital to tell my dad of Zayn's call.

"Dad, Daddy!" I ran through the halls. I slammed into the door he was in, expecting for it to be open. My hands clasped onto my forehead in pain. "Dad, it's me!" The room was dark.

"Jessie.." I turned to see Payton.

"Hey Payton, I just came to see dad. Zayn called me yesterday, he's okay, Payton."

"Dad isn't here.. He's gone." My chest ached.

"N-No, he's said he'd see me today for the last t-time until Saturday, that's wh-hat he said." I sniffled, "You're lying!"

"He died this morning." My hand clasped onto my mouth as a sob fell. "I'm sorry Jessica." I ran. I ran so quick that I was out of the hospital in a minute. I don't know where I was going or where I'd end up. All I knew was that my world was crashing down at a speeded pace.

Cynthia's POV

"Lydia please stop crying, we'll find your mum." Harry tried hushing the baby as I drove. Bentley was knocked out in his car seat.

Jessie hadn't come over after six hours and Payton told us she had run away after learning of her father's death. We'd been searching for two hours now.

"The baby's going to need something to eat soon, Cynthia."

"So we stop looking for her mother so she starves? We need to find her."

"Atleast buy her some baby food."

"Mumma!" Bentley squeaked, I stopped the car. Jessie was sat in front of a restaurant, staring at the sky. I pulled over to the side and quickly got out the car, Harry taking Lydia and Bentley coming with me.

"Jessie!" She didn't respond to Harry's voice.

"Mumma!" Her head shot up at Bentley's voice. Her skin was pale, as if she'd been drained of her blood.

"Hi Bents." She croaked, taking Lydia in her arms.

"We need to go, Jessica-"

"This is the place where Zayn was taken from me, where I was nearly killed and saved by him. They thought he was some criminal." She chuckled, "How could they do that to his family? To me?" She sniffled. "And my father died and hour before I got to the hospital. I didn't even get to say goodbye."


"He won't be able to watch his grandkids grown up. They won't remember him a-and I've only known him a year." I frowned as she broke into tears looking down at Lydia.

Things went downhill after that.

I'M SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE! I thought about putting this book on hold just because I didn't know what to write for the next chapter due to updating two other books.

I realized that's unfair to you guys and I will try to update as much as I can.

And terribly sorry for the short chapter.

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