37. Unsuspected Arrivals

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Zayn's POV

"She-She has respiratory problems, a-and she has a blue iris with brown eyes." Jessie sniffled as she went through her wallet. "Here, this was last month." She handed a picture to the detective. "How-How long does it take for you to find children?"

"It varies ma'am, but not long. Don't worry. You were last with her two hours ago, the subject couldn't be far out the area." Jessie nodded, hugging herelf as she sat down. I sat beside her, rubbing her shoulder. She whimpered as she nestled into my neck, making me frown. "Do you know anyone that would intentionally want to harm-"

Jessie jumped at the word, beginning to cry.

"Would anyone want to take your child from you? Maybe just to scare you?"

"No, I w-wouldn't. She's so quiet a-and she's the sweetest little girl, and I barely talk to my own friend! I don't know who would take her.." I frowned, rubbing her belly.

"Alright, well we'll issue an amber alert and our team will be on the lookout. Every person in this town is your ally."

"Thank you." I nodded at the detective. The team walked out, Jessica sniffling and wiping her eyes.

"I-I can't believe I let her out my sight."

"It's not your fault, Jess. You left her with Nicholas, he was supposed to watch her. It is not your fault."

"Who would take her?! Did you do something?!"

"I wasn't able to do anything.." She groaned, gripping my shirt in frustration. "They'll find her-"

"I'm sure they will, I'm just concerned of how they find her. What if they hurt her, Zayn?" I whimpered, "She's so fragile."

"Please, just breathe." Jess didn't notice she was gripping my shirt until my acknowledgement, hugging herself and standing up. She waddled over to the window, beginning to softly cry. I sighed, walking up and standing behind her. "Jess-"

"How can you be so calm?"

"On the inside, I'm ready to strangle the bastard who took her but if I acted out how I'm internally feeling then you'd be under more stress than necessary and that's not good for the baby."

"Babies.." She chuckled.


"There's two."

"Aw man, I wish you told me earlier. That's amazing, Jess!"

"I wish I felt the same as I did when I was pregnant with Bents. I was actually happy."

"There still more time." I wrapped my arm around her waist, my hands cupping her belly. "We'll find her, Jess. No one would hurt Lydia."

"Not intentionally, but what if she has an asthma attack o-or a seizure? She's had both-"

"Which makes it less likely that she'll have it again." Jessie took a deep breath, turning to face me.

"I'm scared for our baby girl." She choked out as she cried into my chest, tears simply rolling down my cheeks.

"She'll be okay, Jess." I sniffled, rubbing her arm. "Do you want to go drive around and try to find her?"

"Yeah.." Jessie sniffled, "Let's go."

After driving around for a few hours, Jessie was complaining of cramps.

"So we should go home-"

"No, we need to find her."

"Jess, you need to rest."

"But Lydia-"

"Let's just pick up Bents from school and see if it simmers down. If not, we're going home."

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