2. Aggrivation

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Jessie's POV

After my shower, I dressed myself and fixed my hair to be out of my face. I heard Bentley crying, walking out the room to go get him. By the time I reached my room, Harry was there, taking him out his crib. I crossed my arms with a slight smile.


"Oh, hey!"

"I could've gotten my son."

"Yeah but uh, I was already here when he woke up. I'm sorry.."

"It's fine, really. I think he's hungry, it's been a few hours." Harry nodded, standing up. "I'll take him."

"A-Alright." He handed me my crying baby.

"I know you're hungry bubba, but we're going to eat now." I carried him to the kitchen, placing him in his high chair. He calmed down when I handed him his pacifier, placing it in his mouth. "Harry, can you make your spaghetti please?"

"Of course, no problem." He replied smugly, already grabbing ingredients from the cabinets. Harry was the one to fill them up for me since I was too sad and dysfunctional at the time. I fed Bentley apple sauce as we waited, which took longer than expect because more than half of it always dripped down his chin and onto his bib.

"Bents, come on." I laughed, his hands banging at the table in effort to feed himself. Harry occasionally glanced at us. "Despite how annoyed it makes me to not swallow his food, Bentley's smile always stops me from giving up."

"Yeah, boys have that effect."

"No, just Bentley." I laughed.

"Oh very funny." Harry chuckled, "I'm almost done."

"Okay." I sighed, cleaning up Bentley's mess. When Harry finished, he only placed about fifteen noodles on the plate for Bentley to eat, sauce and all. He instantly took them in his small fists and banged on the table before shoving it into his mouth. "It's yummy, right?" He squealed, throwing some at me.

"Did you just throw spaghetti at mummy?" Bentley squealed loudly, shoved the strings into his mouth. I laughed and pulled the spaghetti from my hair and off my belly. Bentley smiled innocently at me when I looked back up at him, now spaghetti in his hair.

"You have a bit of sauce on you." Harry chuckled as he walked in, his hair drenched.

"He threw food." I answered quickly, placing one string at the middle of Bentley's tongue to slurp himsel. Of course, he ended up grabbing it and throwing it at me once again. "Bents, c'mon." I groaned, Harry laughing.

"That's adorable."

"Hai!" Bentley called for Harry, opening and closing his fingers.

"Harry did you take like a two minute shower?"

"No, just some conditioner in the curls." I nodded as he took a seat beside me.

"Hai!" Bentley called again, his, now saucy, fingers reaching for him.

"I'll clean him." I sighed, grabbing another pair of wipes and taking off the excess food the was left on him. "You need a bath!" He only giggled innocently and reached for me. I gladly took him and carried him to the bathroom. He loves baths, only because he gets to splash me. I groaned and placed him on the counter, taking off his clothes. My hand placed itself on my belly, taking steady breathes.

"Are you okay, Jess?"

"Yeah, just a little short winded."

"I'll wash him if it's too much trouble for you."

"You do so much stuff for me already.."

"I don't mind, really." He insisted, running the bath until it was a certain height. He placed Bentley inside.

"Thank you, Harry." I almost whispered, placing my hands on my belly. He only nodded at me and began to wash Bentley. Closing the toilet seat, I sat down. "Have you and Cynthia been good?"

"Yeah, she's a bit distant though."

"Well why?"

"I don't know." I sighed, placing my hand on his knee.

"Maybe it's because you're spending time with me more than you are with her." I spoke softly, his head raising from his smile on Bentley.

"She-She's fine with it.."

"She thought you were cheating on her with me. I'm scared that she still believes that."

"I didn't know."

"You mean well, Harry, you always do. You're a very, very generous person and Cynthia, she's a girls. Girls want their boyfriends, or girlfriends, to themselves. You could at least spend a few days with her instead of being with me on a daily basis."

"You don't want me here?"

"No, I do. You're great help and company." He smiled, "I just don't want your relationship with her to fall apart. She loves you."

"I love her, too." He sighed, looking back down at Bentley. "I just want to help you Jessie. I know being away from Zayn is hard enough, so I didn't want you doing this alone, especially in this house you have now. It'd be cruelty." I sighed and looked at my fingers. "You need to be loved and cared for. Neglect is not an option."

"It's not neglect if you're not even my parent."

"Neglect is neglect, no matter who you are."

"Whatever.." I sighed, looking to my hands.

"I'm sorry. I just don't want to see you sad all the time. So I just wanted to come around and play the role of Zayn in the house.." My head rose, glaring at him.

"So you've been trying to replace him?"

"No, that's not what I meant."

"Then what the hell did you mean?!"

"I don't know, I'm a man, you're a woman, there's the kids-"

"That's exactly what you meant!! God Harry.." I groaned in frustration, looking down at Bentley. "J-Just clean him up and bring him to my room. Then go home and stay there." I spoke sternly. "When my water breaks, I will call Liam or my mum or Payton or even a fucking taxi."

"Liam won't do that shit again, but I will."

"Then Payton will take me!"

"She lives too far away and so does your mother." I groaned loudly and punched his arm.

"If Bentley starts calling you daddy then I'm going to.. I'm gonna.." I stopped myself, frowning at Harry. I turned and walked out the bathroom before he could see the tears rushing down my face.

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