5. There's A Problem

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Jessie's POV

I held my belly as the pain seemed to increase, whimpering a little. Bentley played with my fingers, unaware of my distress. He squealed when he closed all my fingers into a fist, making me smile lightly.

"I love you Bents." He mumbled as he knawed at my thumb, making me giggle. "I take that as 'I love you, too, mummy.'" He giggled. My phone rang, my arm stretching to grab it off the night stand. I put it to my ear. "Hello?"

"Hey Jess, it's Cynthia."

"Hey Cynthia."

"How are you?"

"To be honest, terrible. Nicky was supposed to come over today, it's been nice company seeing him for the past two weeks."

"And in another two weeks, you'll have you precious babies." I smiled at the thought.

"I can't wait, really. But I'm hurting so bad right now, I want them out now." I laughed a little, hissing at the sting in my stomach. "Ouch.."

"Did you water break?"

"No, but it feels like it did, pain wise." I sniffled, "Oh my god, ow!"

"Harry!" I heard her call. My stomach started tightening, sparking immense pain in my stomach.

"C-Cynthia, I think something's wrong." I clutched my belly. "I'm gonna call Patty.."

"Okay, Harry and I are coming right now!"

"Hurry.." I whimpered, sitting up. Bentley began to whine when I pulled my hand away. My hand grabbed his teddy on the pillow of my bed, handing it to him. I dialed Patty's number, clutching the desk beside the bed.



"Are you okay?"

"I-I think there's something wrong. I'm having excruciating pain and my water hasn't even broken yet."

"You're positive your water hasn't broken?" I looked down at my pants, feeling for any dampness.

"I'm positive, ow!!" I hissed, "Patty, w-what's going on?"

"Come to the hospital as soon as possible, alright?"

"Mhm." I hung up, standing to my feet. Picking up Bentley, I walked downstairs slowly. He played with the strap of my bra, tugging on them. My breasts ached enough and it was hurting. "Bentley, no.." He ignored me. I groaned and sat him in his high chair. My hand pressed to my stomach again, whimpering at the sudden increase in pain. "Ow.." I sniffled, slipping onto the floor. I sat there crying, softly enough not to alarm my baby boy. After minutes of being in agonizing pain, I heard the front door open and close.

"Oh my god, Jessica!" Cynthis rushed to my side.

"Help me." I cried.

"Harry, pick her up!"

"What about Bentley?"

"I'll take the baby, pick Jessica up!!" She yelled as she went for my baby. Harry pulled me off the floor quickly, holding me close to him as he hurried to his car.

"Ow, Harry!" I scolded him as he laid me in the back seat.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it." He got into the back seat with me, placing Bentley in his car seat. Harry and Cynthia are my transportation for everything and I didn't know how to drive, so we kept it in here.



"I'm not comfortable!" I shouted.

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