Chapter Six: The House

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I stare out the window after another glance at the clock in front of the class. Anxiously waiting for time to fast forward for the class to end and lunch to begin. I can't wait to escape this class. Get away from the silence of words, while pens and pencils are the only background noise echoed, from everyone taking a test I should be working on myself.

But I haven't been able to.

I lost focus on the meaningless test, which plays into my grade, almost as soon as I walked in and took a seat. I began instead admiring the rain outside. Listening to the rhythm of the rain drops crashing down from the dark gray clouds. Preferring some noise than the quietness inside the classroom.

I can't concentrate. I can't focus enough on anything important when my thoughts keep taking me away. Blaine's words replaying in my head about how memories can't hurt me.

Memories can hurt you. Memories have hurt me and tore me apart. It's all I can think about when it's true. I watched it happen to my dad. I seen the pain in his eyes of what he has been through and I know he's not okay all the time. He has days just like I do to take him away back into a memory he doesn't find pleasant.

Right now the rain is doing just that, taking me away. Drawing me into a trance back into the past. Forcing me like I always am into another memory.


Jayden turned in every direction. Scared, terrified and lost in the crowds of people all around. The fairgrounds in the nearby town is packed. People everywhere you look. Parents with their young kids. Grandparents with their grandchildren. Young teenage couples holding hands. There are lots of people having a good time this late Saturday afternoon while the sun is scheduled to set any minute. Soon the lights from the rides will become the source of light on this very warm summer night in late August.

Today has been a good day filled with happiness, joy, fun and memories Jayden will always cherish. Or it was fun until about five minutes ago. He lost grip of his father's hand walking through the herd and clusters of bodies. He lost sight of both of his parents in a mere second. He tried running, tried catching up, tried to call out for either but none of it worked. He was pushed further and further away and was left near the fun house all alone.

He has no idea what to do now when he wasn't prepared for this type of situation. He is like any other four year old who falls behind and can't find their parents. Crying, hysterical, frighten at the thought he will never see them again and be stuck here forever.

"I want to go home. I want to go home." he repeats continuing to cry sitting on the grass beside a tree.

"Hey, what's wrong?" an older woman asks approaching him.

"I'm lost...I lost my dads. I don't know where they are." he utters panic stricken wishing he held tighter, wishing he didn't fall behind.

"It is going to be okay. What's you're name honey? I'll help you find your parents." the woman replies genuinely concerned and willing to help.

"Jayden." he answers.

"Come with me and I promise I'll have you back with your parents in no time. Don't worry it will be alright." she gives a smile to reassure his fear and calm his anxious nerves.

He gets up slowly from the dead yellow grass due to the Iowa heat and not enough rain these past few days. Thunderstorms in the forecast for the next night is the reason his parents chose to come today to the fair. But by the sound of thunder roaring in the distance the storm may come early by a night.

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