Chapter Fourteen: Doctor Chamberlain

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Outside of my room, through a hallway past numerous doors on both sides, is another door at the end. Another hallway I am walked through that is too eerie white. Walls lacking any color on them and nothing screams out comfort. There are cameras up above, watching over me. Reminding me right away I'm trapped inside a high security hospital I can't leave.

I can never leave. This is my life, paranoia increasing every day that passes. Constantly watched by those in charge. Locked inside a room I can't leave unless there is someone with me. I'm a discarded piece of trash everyone sees as deranged and sick. I'm just like him, a monster who deserves to be here.

No! I'm not him! I'm not the sick person they think I am!

We walk through another door and I slowly trail behind losing my sanity. Losing the person I once was or who I believed I was. Honestly I don't know who I am anymore as time has gone by slowly and deliberately for the past two years. Killing me inside as I fall apart beginning to see I'm everything they say I am.

Some nights I dream about Vivian. I dream about the night we went to the corn maze. I dream about being at the house and then in an instant the dream shifts.

In a second, in a flash, I'm convincing her to come up stairs to the attic. I tell her I want to show her something and she doesn't question my intentions. She smiles and follows me to the retractable stairs I pull down. She asks why are we here and I tell her because there is something I want to show her upstairs.

She hesitates for a second as I can see in her eyes she's scared but she doesnt say another word. She simply swallows her fear and walks up the steps and I hold on tighter to the knife I'm holding behind my back.

As soon as I'm up the stairs I'm the one hurting her. I'm the person holding the knife and no one else is around. No one exists in the house the further on the dream plays out. I'm the only person hurting Vivian as blood rushes out of her body with each gut wrecking scream echoing in the house.

She tries to fight back, begging me to stop but I don't. I'm not the same older brother she trusted to protect her. I'm a completely different person as the scene plays out and I want to wake up but I never can.

I can never wake up and the dreams continues on.

I'm hurting her, I'm killing her in the darkness of the house. I start to feel a smile creeping up on my face. Happiness filling me up inside. Satisfaction flowing through me at the sound of her pain and suffering. Her misery becomes my joy and I'm  nowhere close to stopping as I stab the knife into her again.

Over and over I stab her as she lays on the attic floor.  Her cries and pleas for me to stop and for help to rescue her becomes less frequent. Soon she is lifeless in my eyes. And I feel nothing.

I let go of the knife and get up staring down at her body. She's dead and I did it. I killed her, her blood on my hands, her blood on my clothes and I don't want to be in the attic another second.

"Jayden, are you okay?" the nurse asks looking concerned.

I then realize I stopped walking to Doctor Chamberlain's office. I came to a stand still reliving my nightmarish dream that doesn't go away. "I'm fine." I lie glancing around the area we are in now.

I remember walking through this open area the first day I arrived. There is a nurse's station with computers in the middle of the area while the elevator leading back to the first floor is right there. An exit out of here that is close enough I want to touch it. I want to leave here because the longer I'm here I'm starting to believe I did hurt Vivian like my nightmare displays every night. I'm losing  the person I am that wants to hold onto what I believe is true which is the person wearing a scarecrow mask hurt Vivian not me.

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