Chapter 4

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Once you arrived at your house, you immediately changed into something more comfy before you read the new books that you brought from the bookstore with Hoseok. You sat on the couch in the living room, reading silently before you lost yourself in the book. You didn't even realized that Namjoon already entered the house and he came alone since Su Min go to stayed at her parents house. Namjoon changed into something comfy before sat on the couch, not closed to you but yet not far.

He turned on the TV as you still lost in the book, he just stared at the TV with bored look. He wished that Su Min was there so he wouldn't be this bored. His eyes landed on you who lost yourself in the book. He watched you silently as your expressions kept changing because you're too immersed in the book. He studied your features, he have to admitted that you're prettier than Su Min. He watched how your hair fell covering your face as you read your book silently. His eyes fell on the book that get you lost.

He chuckled when staring at the book, thriller genre that got you immersed so much instead or romance like how girls usually get lost into. He just stared at you as you continued to reading the novel. He smirked playfully before turned the TV into full volume tried to distracted you from the book. He smirked fell when you didn't responded at all but continued to flipped the pages. He scrunched his face but he didn't stopped there, he continued to kept changing the volume of the TV.

You started to get distracted by the TV volume kept changing, as you slowly looked up from your novel. You frowned as you looked at Namjoon who focusing on the TV before you looked backed at the TV. You huffed out of angered before looked backed at your novel again but this time you're not focusing at all as you can heard a faint laughed from beside you. You glared at Namjoon who laughed harder when you glared at him. Your heart beat faster when he laughed at you, the way he laughed and his sweet dimple on his cheek make your heart beat faster.

You smiled a little before looked backed to your novel, staring at the book.

'Great! Now I can't focused' You thought to yourself while Namjoon still laughing, remembering how your face frowning out of frustration.

"You should see your face"Namjoon said while laughing at you, you looked at him with a scowled on your face.

"It's not funny"You said as he grasped the air around him, your heart still beat faster. Namjoon have no clue at all what he did to you.

"To you"Namjoon blurted out after he grasped the air around him. Your cold eyes softened seeing him laughing even though he make fun of you. You just scoffed at him before looked backed at your novel.

"What's the book about?"Namjoon asked you make you looked at him with confused look. You smiled slightly to him.

"About a guy who changed into a creature that craved of human heart"You said shortly make his interested perked. You can felt Namjoon scooted closer to you make your heart almost burst due to the closeness.

"Why?"Namjoon asked you again, he just beside you. Since he's a book lover too, he can't helped but to get curious about the book.

"The guy make a promised with a demon"You said shortly again, half of your heart wanted you to shooed him away and yet half of your heart just wished that he scooted even closer to you.

"Why?"He asked again make you scrunched your face, since you started to become annoyed at his questions over and over again.

"You started to become like a little child who curious about everything"You hissed at him as you glared at him. Blush immediately crept on your cheeks realizing how closed his face with you as you turned your face to the book, didn't wanted him to see the blush on your face.

"You're the one who explained really short that I can't helped but to ask you again"Namjoon said at you, you just pouted and sighed in defeated.

"Fine, it's about a guy who make promised with a demon because he loved a woman who was his fiancee but the woman married to other man, when the guy disappeared because of the other guy almost killed him and he took time to healed"You stopped before continued as you realized that Namjoon stared and listened to you attentively make you gulped.

"The woman father forced the woman to married the other guy. When the guy came back, the other guy fought with the guy and the other guy accidentally killed the woman, his wife. In order to get the woman get backed to life, the guy make a promised with a demon. The promised was that he have to eat human hearts in order to bring back his fiancee to life, but the demon never did that"You explained to him as he nodded at your explanation.

"Why the guy have to eat the human hearts?"Namjoon asked you since his interested really perked up at your explanation.

"Because it's a trick from the demon, every hearts that the guy ate will give energy to the demon"

"How about his fiancee?"

"She stayed in a cave where the guy lived when he become a creature that craved for human hearts, she stayed almost like a sleeping beauty but just not alive"You explained to him again as he eyed your book in your hands. He started to have the urged to read the book. You saw how he eyed your book.

"You want to read it?"You asked him, he looked at you for awhile as his eyes sparked in interested make you blushed a little when he looked at you like that.

"Can I? But you still didn't finish read it yet?"Namjoon said, you just realized that he not that mean actually he's a sweet guy. Maybe he acted rude because he hated the idea of getting married to a stranger when he had a girlfriend.

"Well, I still can read the other book while you read this book"You said as he thinking about something for a minute.

"I can wait"Namjoon said before turned staring at the TV. You breath almost hitched at his perfect side profile.

"I guess, I'll give it to you once I finish it"You said as he turned to looked at you with a smile on his face.

"Thanks"Namjoon said make your heart racing again, blushed rushed to your cheeks before you focused on the book. It only took you for awhile to get lost in the book again. Namjoon didn't disturbed you at all. He just stared at you silently, amused at the fact that you get lost in books really easily. Deep down, you did knew that Namjoon silently staring at you that you blushed while reading the book. Namjoon smiled to himself, glad to knew that you're a book lover as well. Since Su Min not really fond with books, but when she did always romance genre. He quiet amused by your choice of genre.

He shifted his attention to the TV make you let out a sighed in relieved quietly since you didn't have to deal of hiding your red cheeks from him. A few hours passed quickly, you squealed out of excitement when you finally finished the book that have more than 600 pages. Since you read quiet fast, so it's not a problem to you especially when you can focused without being disturbed.

You immediately fell into silenced when saw sleeping Namjoon with the TV turned on. You stared at the clock on the wall. Your eyes widened when it already pasted dinner and you sure that Namjoon still didn't eat lunch so does you. You stormed to the kitchen, started to cooked. You left the novel beside Namjoon. A loud snored came from him make you chuckled.

You cooked something simple and fast since your stomach was begging at you so that you fill it up. You placed two plates on the table before headed to the sleeping Namjoon on the couch. You stared at his face for awhile. A smile crept on your face as you watched his peaceful face. You shook him, trying to wake him up in a gentle way. He groaned and stirred a little as you continued to shook him.

"Su Min, let me sleep"Namjoon said make your heart felt like being cut with a knife. The smile on your face immediately fell from your face.

"Namjoon"You said in stern and coldest voice as he slowly opened his heavy eyelids before staring at you with sleepy and lazy gaze.

"Eat"You said shortly and cold before headed to the table and ate you dinner alone. Namjoon headed sleepily before he washed his face and ate his dinner quietly. Awkward and tensed silenced surrounded you two, even though your food was delicious. The awkward and tensed silenced make it tasted bad. You finished your dinner quickly then you washed you plate before walked to your room leaving Namjoon eating alone.

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